What Causes Muscle Cramps And How Can You Treat Them?

To prevent muscle cramps from occurring, it is a good idea to stretch every day and activate the nervous system. It is also important to drink plenty of water.
What causes muscle cramps and how can you treat them?

Muscle cramps or spasms occur when one or more of your muscles contract involuntarily without you being able to relax them, causing a mild or intense degree of pain. They usually occur on the back of the leg or thigh, but you may also experience muscle cramps in the feet, arms and in the other muscle groups in the body. Read on to find out what causes muscle cramps.

People who suffer from them may have an unpleasant feeling of stiffness and tension that disappears on its own within a few minutes. Some people, on the other hand, are left with severe discomfort that persists for several hours in the affected muscle group or the surrounding tissue.

While seizures are considered a benign problem, many people try to relieve them because they can interfere with your sleep or other important daily activities.

With that in mind, it is important to find out what is causing the muscle cramps and what steps you can take to avoid using painkillers or other medications.

In today’s article we will give you some detailed information about what causes muscle cramps and practical recommendations for immediate action.

Try them!

What causes muscle cramps


There are many factors that have been associated with muscle cramps. Physical exertion, pregnancy and age are some of the possible triggers.

However, most cases occur when something interrupts the flow of oxygen to certain muscle groups or when you suffer from an excessive loss of fluids, mineral salts and proteins.

A diet that is low in magnesium and potassium also has a lot to do with repeated episodes of cramps. Both of these minerals strengthen and make the muscles relax, while also promoting good circulation.

Uncommon causes include certain diseases, especially in the digestive system, and poisoning. Another theory suggests that ineffective biomechanics causes muscle cramps, which also pose a risk to cardiovascular health.

How to treat muscle cramps?

It will be ideal to take preventative measures to protect against this annoying condition, but there are some homemade solutions that can help you deal with them once they have already occurred.

Increase your water intake

3-drink water

Water intake is essential both to prevent and treat this irritating muscle condition. Water helps to activate the blood circulation and improves the transport of oxygen to the cells.

Sports drinks are a good choice for rehydration, especially when you have lost a lot of fluid during physical activity or heat. The latter are recommended for athletes, as they help to replace minerals that have been lost through sweat.

Use heating pads or cold wraps

A heating pad will help the muscle to relax when it is tight and stressed during a cramp. Cold can help you reactivate the circulation as soon as the cramp has passed.

Perform stretching exercises


Stretching exercises are the best way to fight and prevent cramps in any part of the body. This should be done at the end of physical activity, and during the working day. When you stretch your body, you activate the central nervous system to send signals that calm down seizure conditions.

Wear loose-fitting clothing

As soon as you notice the first sign of a muscle cramp, it is important that you loosen your clothes to release the muscles. Tight clothing impedes blood circulation and prevents quick relief from this problem.

Improve your diet


If seizures are a common part of your life, it may be time to consider the nutritional quality of the food you eat.

Make sure you get adequate amounts of:

  • Vitamin B12
  • Folic acid
  • Niacin
  • Vitamin E.
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Iron

Use olive oil

As soon as you feel pain, have some olive oil in your palms and perform a gentle massage on the area, pressing with your fingertips.

Take a hot bath

When this discomfort interrupts your evenings and reduces your sleep quality, it is best to take action before going to bed. Warm up some water and take a bath to increase blood circulation in the legs and reduce the odds of suffering from muscle cramps.

Finally, remember that if none of these recommendations work for you and you have regular cramps, it is best to talk to your doctor to find out if you have a hormonal problem or a circulatory problem.

Do not ignore them!

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