Warning Signs Of Chronic Fatigue You Should Know About

Could it be that you are suffering from chronic fatigue? If you experience inability to sleep, even if you are tired, and have a headache or extreme fatigue for more than 6 months, you should see a doctor to find out if you have chronic fatigue.
Warning signs of chronic fatigue you should be aware of

Do you suspect that you may be suffering from chronic fatigue? Do you know what warning signs of chronic fatigue you should look for?

Chronic fatigue syndrome is characterized by extreme physical and mental fatigue that does not improve with rest or even when you get enough hours of sleep.

Another problem with this type of exhaustion is that it gets worse when you perform physical activity of any kind.

There is still no definitive answer as to what causes chronic fatigue syndrome.

With this condition you will end up having to reduce your activity significantly and your daily life will be affected.

Unfortunately, the syndrome is often overlooked and confused with other disorders. This can cause people with this disorder to feel misunderstood and isolated.

What is known is that anyone can experience the syndrome, regardless of age, race, where they live, or other personal characteristics.

Today we want to shed light on the topic by looking at some common  warning signs of chronic fatigue.

1. Warning signs of chronic fatigue: You feel excessively exhausted

Symptoms of chronic fatigue: Excessive fatigue

This symptom is not ordinary fatigue after a long working day; it is more than that.

  • There is a feeling of total exhaustion, down to every bone and every muscle in your body.
  • This makes it almost impossible for you to perform any mental or physical activity.

If you let the disorder take over your life, you may find yourself having to deal with other problems such as obesity and the conditions that come with it.

2. Problems falling asleep or staying asleep

Even if you are very tired, another warning sign of chronic fatigue is  serious difficulty sleeping.

With this condition you can not completely disconnect, and this prevents you from getting a good night’s sleep. When you wake up, you also get the feeling that you have not slept at all.

You can try different methods to help you fall asleep, but they will not do much if you have chronic fatigue.

3. Concentration problems

Exhaustion is not just physical; it is mental too.

With chronic fatigue, you become forgetful, your thoughts are absent, and even simple things feel difficult.

If you have had these symptoms for a while, it is time to stop and check if you are experiencing the other symptoms mentioned here.

4. Social isolation

Social isolation

When you suffer from chronic fatigue, social commitments such as family reunions or going out with friends become a demanding chore. Thus, you will probably avoid it, postpone it, or just cancel the plans altogether.

This causes other emotional disturbances, as isolation can lead to depression.

5. You can not stand for long periods

Another sign of chronic fatigue is that the fatigue you feel is getting worse. In addition , blood flow to your brain is reduced if you stand.

This is a problem especially for people who have to stand all day at work.

6. Recurrent pain

Recurrent pain

One of the most troublesome symptoms of chronic fatigue is frequent pain in one or more parts of your body, including:

  • Headache
  • Joint pain
  • Muscle pain
  • Pain in the throat

A defining feature of pain is that it is not the result of inflammation or trauma.

7. Muscle weakness

In addition, muscle weakness is another symptom of chronic fatigue, and it is usually felt in the legs and arms.

Walking long distances or lifting even light objects becomes almost impossible activities.

8. Fever

Not everyone with the syndrome experiences this symptom. However, some people with chronic fatigue experience fever.

Remember that fever always means that something is not right in your body, even if you do not know what it is.

9. Mood swings

Mood swings

Irritability or confusion is one of the most common symptoms of chronic fatigue.

The reason is that the other symptoms make you feel irritated or overwhelmed, and this manifests itself in mood swings.

Diagnosis of chronic fatigue

As you have seen, warning signs of chronic fatigue are very general and similar to what you would see under other conditions.

Therefore, specialists often begin by ruling out disorders such as fibromyalgia or depression before considering chronic fatigue.

This is why you need to be very careful when talking to your doctor and explain each symptom you have noticed, with as detailed information as possible.

Pay special attention to how long you have experienced them, because the symptoms must have been present for at least 6 months when talking about chronic fatigue.

Since it is not clear what the cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is, the treatment consists of treating the individual symptoms.

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