Turmeric Can Help Alzheimer’s Patients Recover

Although admittedly not a miracle cure, turmeric has been shown to help improve the condition of Alzheimer’s patients. Read more in this article.
Turmeric can help Alzheimer's patients recover

Turmeric is one of the most well-known spices in the list of natural ingredients that protect your body and improve your health. This spice comes from India. However, its culinary and medicinal uses have spread over most of the world. Turmeric can help Alzheimer’s patients recover.

Its most important properties are thanks to a bioactive substance called curcumin. This is why it has this distinctive color. In addition, this drug is also the reason why  turmeric can help for more than 150 therapeutic activities. First of all, turmeric has excellent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that help vital bodily functions. This allows these properties to reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases.

In fact, studies tell us that it has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. This is promising for the prevention and treatment of neurological diseases. One of the most interesting findings suggests that even less than one gram of turmeric per day may be helpful.

If they take it regularly over a three-month period, this spice can help people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.

How can turmeric help Alzheimer’s patients?


Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most common forms of dementia. Patients suffering from this disease suffer a loss of cognitive function. There are 26 million people suffering from Alzheimer’s. It is estimated that by the year 2050, the prevalence of the disease will quadruple. In other words, 1 in 85 people can suffer from it.

There is currently no cure. Conventional medical treatments are not completely effective in controlling the symptoms. Because of this, many people concentrate their research on controlling its effects with natural ingredients, such as turmeric. This natural spice showed positive results in diagnosed patients. It also showed that turmeric can help improve the patient’s condition.

In a study entitled “Effects of turmeric on Alzheimer’s disease with behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia ” published at the end of last year, the researchers examined three patients with this disease.

After receiving 100 mg of turmeric every day for 12 weeks, their symptoms improved.

According to the published information:

All three patients showed irritability, agitation, anxiety, and apathy, two patients suffering from urinary incontinence and migration. They were prescribed turmeric powder capsules and began to recover from these symptoms without any adverse reaction in the clinical symptoms and laboratory data ”.

After 3 months of analysis, the researchers concluded that both the patients’ symptoms and the burden on the caregivers were significantly reduced.

Turmeric properties for Alzheimer’s control


Turmeric is responsible for bringing positive effects in Alzheimer’s patients, according to a recent study that examined the link between this spice and Alzheimer’s disease. The active substance increases the removal of the pathological plaque amyloid beta. In addition, in combination with vitamin D3, its neuro-strengthening properties are even better.

Here are some of the many benefits it offers:

  • First of all, turmeric can easily cross the blood-brain barrier. This is due to its low molecular weight and its structure.
  • There it unites with amyloid beta molecules, which is an abnormal protein. These molecules are stored in the brain of individuals who have this disease.
  • In addition , its powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties reduce other symptoms, especially symptoms caused by an excessive amount of inflammation in the brain and by cellular oxidation.

Turmeric interferes with the appearance of more than 700 genes. It inhibits the synthesis of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and arachidonate-5-lipoxygenase (Alox-5), which are enzymes that modulate inflammation.

How can you include turmeric in your diet?


You can find turmeric extract and supplements in health food stores. These can vary in both the quantity and quality of the turmeric. Of course, you can add turmeric in small amounts to your regular dishes. This includes soups, stews, and rice. In addition, you can also have it in smoothies of fruits and vegetables. This gives them an extra boost of antioxidants. However, there is a quick, quick and easy solution to get the most out of its properties, and that is to drink it as tea.


  • 1 tablespoon of ground turmeric
  • 1 liter of water


  • Boil the water first, then add turmeric. Let it draw.
  • When the tea has cooled, pour it into a glass. Drink this twice a day.
  • As an alternative, you can sweeten it with a little honey.

In general, it is good for your health to take turmeric on a regular basis. Not only does it reduce the effects of Alzheimer’s in diagnosed patients, but turmeric can also help healthy people to reduce the risk of getting the disease.

That said, although this is a beneficial spice, you should not eat large amounts of it. You should not expect miracles either. However, it is always worthwhile to add a great natural remedy to your diet.

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