The Top 5 Fruits For Cleansing The Colon

Apples are soothing and anti-inflammatory. While this may seem contradictory, they can help improve both constipation and diarrhea. They also promote the elimination of toxins.
The top 5 fruits to cleanse the colon

Many diseases can be traced back to problems in the digestive system, and especially to a poisoned colon. If the intestinal flora is contaminated with pathogens or yeast, undigested food or accumulated feces, it can lead to some very serious health problems. Learn about the top 5 fruits for cleansing the colon in this article!

Unclean intestines filled with toxins will almost always result in a weakened immune system, which leads to infections and inflammation that can spread beyond the intestines and affect the airways, and it can even cause allergies.

Although you can find many products to perform a colon cleanse at the pharmacy or in health food stores, you can easily achieve the same goal is by looking at what you eat every day. Just make sure you get plenty of fluids and fiber and that you limit your fat intake.

Today we want to tell you about the best fruits to cleanse the colon. They are a delicious, effective and economical way to take care of the digestive system.

The best fruits to cleanse the colon

There are several benefits to using fruits to cleanse your colon, and this is why you should include them in your daily diet. Whenever possible, always choose organic fruits that are grown without harmful pesticides.

It is important to remember that fruit is always more beneficial in its natural state. That is, they are better whole and not processed into jams or juices sold in the grocery store. It is better that they are eaten whole and with the peel on, like apples.

1. Apples


Green apples, red apples… choose what you like best. Do not hesitate to start the morning with a whole apple with the peel on. You may have your doubts about this fruit, because if you suffer from an irritable bowel syndrome you are used to experiencing days of constipation with outbreaks of diarrhea.

How can apples help improve these conditions?

  • A raw apple is good for constipation.
  • Baked apples are great against diarrhea, because their content of cellulose softens during frying, and it will give a better consistency to the stool.
  • Apples are soothing, anti- inflammatory, and have a high content of fiber, especially if you eat the peel, which is rich in pectin and antioxidants.
  • This highly medicinal fruit is cleansing and it helps to eliminate and flush out toxins from the gut, especially in the colon.

2. Papaya

Papaya is a fruit that has some of the most powerful anti-inflammatory properties found in nature. Thanks to an almost magical substance called papain, you will digest food better, diarrhea and constipation will improve, and your colon will be healthier.

One of the best ways to eat papaya is to cut it in half and then into pieces and mix them with some natural yogurt. It will strengthen your gut flora and cleanse your gut. It is delicious as a dessert!

3. Bananas


Eating one banana a day provides countless benefits. Remember that you should not eat this fruit in the evening. It is best to eat it at the beginning of the day for better digestion.

  • Bananas contain natural antacids that keep feces and toxins from clinging to the mucus in the gut.
  • Bananas are rich in potassium, an important mineral for the intestines and digestive system. Thanks to their potassium content, bananas will improve digestion and reduce pain and inflammation associated with diarrhea and other problems.
  • They are rich in fiber, the type that is easier for the colon to treat. But remember that bananas contain sugar, so you should only consume one banana per day.

4. Watermelon

As you may already know, watermelons are rich in water and minerals such as potassium, two ideal substances to detoxify the colon and to keep it healthy. This fruit is great for those who suffer from an irritable bowel, because it acts as a soothing tonic to reduce inflammation and keep you hydrated.

5. Raspberries


Although raspberries are not available in stores all year round, they are one of the most beneficial fruits for the colon. Here’s why:

  • They are rich in antioxidants that reduce inflammation in the mucous membranes and levels of harmful bacteria in the gut.
  • Raspberries contain pectin, just like apples, which helps stimulate bowel movements and keep toxins from attaching to the sides of the intestines.

Eat them as often as you can. They are delicious and truly medicinal.

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