The 10 Best Fruits To Fight Water In The Body

Although figs are known for their sweetness, they also have diuretic and laxative properties. Therefore, they can help fight fluid retention and even lose weight. Read this article to find out which other fruits are also effective!
The 10 best fruits to fight water in the body

Among the best fruits to fight water in the body naturally, we can find melon and watermelon. Why? Their high water content helps to stimulate urination. For this reason, it is a good idea to include them in a balanced diet.

Many people follow a good exercise routine and a balanced diet, and stay well hydrated. However, increasing the amount of foods with diuretic properties can provide greater relief from water in the body.

What is edema?

Water retention is the accumulation of water in the tissues of the body. This condition is also known as edema and is caused by inflammation. The swelling can affect places such as the feet, ankles, legs, abdomen or face.


The most common causes of water in the body are:

  • a sedentary lifestyle
  • poor circulation
  • an unhealthy diet filled with a lot of ready meals, fried foods, etc., these foods usually contain a lot of salt
  • a warm climate: heat, atmospheric pressure and humidity are all factors that increase the amount of water in the body
  • some medications such as corticoids, antihypertensives or hormone therapies
  • hormonal changes, such as those that often develop during pregnancy, menopause or the normal menstrual cycle
  • some medical conditions such as venous, kidney or heart failure, hyperthyroidism, etc.

Specialists also note that “There are other drug-related causes of edema (calcium channel blockers), with subcutaneous fat disorder (lipedema), endocrine (hypothyroidism) and in some cases the origin is unknown.”

Depending on the exact cause of water in the body, the doctor may suggest some treatment. However, they will probably in all cases suggest that you improve your lifestyle, which in turn includes improving your diet.

Fruit to fight water in the body

Regular consumption of fruit is a good idea to improve health and well-being. But if you want to fight water in your body, the best options are the following:

1. Pineapple

Pieces of pineapple

Pineapple is an excellent tropical fruit that is good for dealing with swelling and improving digestion due to the enzymes it contains. It is also a source of iodine, vitamin C and bromelain – an enzyme with beneficial properties for our health, according to experts at the Spanish Foundation for Nutrition ( Fundación Española de la Nutrición (FEN) ).

2. Bulb

Pears are refreshing. They are also a diuretic and are perfect to eat at any time of the day. Due to their high antioxidant content, many people recommend pears as part of a balanced diet. In addition, they are good for hair and skin.

According to the experts of the Spanish Association for 5 a day ( Asociación 5 al día ), pears not only have a high water content, they also have “remarkable fiber levels (4.5 g per 100 g), especially lignin, and therefore pears are good for prevention and treatment of constipation.

Many people also say that the pear’s sweetness helps to deal with food anxiety when you eat it. For this reason, many diets recommend them to lose weight.

3. Watermelon to fight water in the body

Slices of watermelon to fight water in the body

Watermelon is a filling diuretic fruit because it is rich in water and fiber. According to experts at FEN, “many people appreciate watermelon because it is refreshing and rich in water and salts. More specifically, it is the fruit with the highest water content (95% by weight) ”. It is also a source of lycopene.

4. Grapefruit to fight water in the body

Grapefruit is another fruit with a high water and fiber content ; It is good for fighting water in the body and is a source of various vitamins and minerals.

5. Melon

Slices of melon

Melons have antioxidants, are a diuretic, are satiating, detoxifying and laxative. This makes it one of the best fruits when it comes to fighting water in the body. It is advisable to eat it between meals.

6. Cranberries

Cranberries are known to be an excellent source of antioxidants and fiber. Both of these are essential for good overall health. You can include them regularly in your diet to fight constipation and water in your body.

7. Papaya

Slices of papaya

Papaya is a sweet, fleshy fruit that has a high fiber and water content. For this reason, it helps regulate bowel movements, fight heartburn, eliminate water in the body and prevent intestinal parasites. They also contain papain, an enzyme that specialists are currently studying to discover its medicinal potential.

8. Mango to fight water in the body

Another fruit you can use to fight water in the body is mango. It provides several important vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber and antioxidants. For this reason, many believe that they help with digestion and prevent gas and heartburn.

The experts at the Spanish Association for 5 a day ( Asociación 5 al día ) say that “Green fruits are rich in vitamin C and contain a moderate content of provitamin A, while ripe mango is an important source of provitamin A (present in the form of beta-carotene), and their vitamin C levels are moderate. ”

9. Figs

The experts at FEN claim that “After water, carbohydrates are the largest component that fresh figs contain (glucose, fructose and sucrose). In fact, next to bananas, mashed apples and grapes, figs are one of the fruits with the highest sugar content. ” For this reason, it is a good idea to consume them in moderation in a balanced diet.

Clementines for the relief of water in the body

In addition to being rich in water, fiber and vitamin C, it is a delicious, juicy, aromatic citrus fruit that provides other essential nutrients – but in smaller amounts. Therefore, we recommend that you regularly include it in your diet. Especially if you suffer from water in your body.

It is time that you start enjoying all these fruits to fight water in your body and improve your diet. Remember that while it is always best to enjoy them all, you can also make homemade juices and other delicious dishes!

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