Symptoms Of Fibromyalgia, The 10 Most Important

In addition to causing muscle pain and fatigue, fibromyalgia is a condition that can also affect us mentally, as it is a chronic disease that can become disabling.
Symptoms of fibromyalgia, the 10 most important

Do you know of any symptoms of fibromyalgia? It is a syndrome that is characterized by an increase in the body’s response to muscle and joint pain.

It is usually accompanied by episodes of fatigue , as well as digestive problems, ongoing headaches and tingling sensations in the extremities.

The exact cause has not been discovered. However, health experts often link it to genetic factors, a sedentary lifestyle and some other diseases.

Of course, each case is a little different. However, we can say that patients who have symptoms of fibromyalgia tend to show an increase in the levels of inflammation in their bodies. This in turn triggers a number of other reactions.

One of the biggest problems when it comes to diagnosing fibromyalgia is that it tends to get easily confused with other common conditions. However, if it is not treated early, it can have some serious consequences. It is therefore important to find out how this condition manifests itself and what you should look for if you suspect that it is developing.

Let’s take a look at them.

Symptoms of fibromyalgia:

1. Stiffness

Symptoms of fibromyalgia

One of the problems people who suffer from this disease experience most often is stiffness in the body. This is especially the first hours after they get up in the morning.

It is a feeling similar to that experienced by patients diagnosed with arthritis, as this can also impede movement.

2. Concentration problems

This symptom is known as “fibrous fog” or “brain fog”. Unfortunately, it brings serious problems to the concentration and memory of those affected.

The person is not able to fully focus on their activities. In addition, they will sometimes experience short-term memory loss as well.

3. To feel tired

Chronic fatigue, or physical and mental exhaustion, is another common symptom among those who have developed this syndrome.

A feeling of heaviness throughout the body, added to intense mental stress, prevents patients from participating in normal daily activities. It gives a feeling of exhaustion, even with simple things like waking up or performing light physical or intellectual tasks.

4. Pain throughout the cup

Woman with back pain

Patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia usually experience feelings of pain, either mild or intense, throughout the body.

These pains can begin with low intensity and may come periodically. However , they tend to be intense, sharp and throbbing.

Such pain affects ligaments, muscles and tendons. Unfortunately , they usually do not respond quickly or easily to the effects of painkillers.

5. Poor sleep quality

Due to some of the physical and mental symptoms of fibromyalgia described above, people with this condition very often have trouble achieving good sleep quality.

The neurotransmitters in the brain are altered by this condition. Thus, since they become less effective at stimulating the brain, the rest are negatively affected.

Not to mention that bodily discomfort caused by pain can get worse in certain sleeping positions. This in turn leads to disturbances in sleep patterns.

6. Numbness and tingling

A strong feeling of numbness in the extremities, as well as an irritating tingling sensation, can be a clear sign of the early stages of fibromyalgia.

Patients often report that they feel the skin being “punctured”, especially in the hands and legs. The feeling sometimes lasts only a few minutes. But in some cases it can last much longer.

These symptoms usually increase at night, or if the patient maintains the same position for a long time.

7. Digestive problems


Imbalances in inflammatory processes caused by fibromyalgia can go hand in hand with digestive symptoms similar to those caused by irritable bowel syndrome.

Similarly, most patients also have recurrent abdominal pain, as well as retention and gastroesophageal reflux.

8. Environmental sensitivity

Often, those affected by this disorder report greater sensitivity and allergy-like reactions to environmental factors such as noise and pollution.

The sufferer may experience symptoms similar to migraines. Thus, the body may react negatively to excess light, loud noises or the chemicals found in some products.

9. Sensitivity to temperature

Cold fingers

Due to the continuous changes that the body undergoes due to imbalances in its inflammatory processes, patients with fibromyalgia have problems regulating body temperature.

This symptom is sometimes so severe that it prevents patients from achieving adequate rest. This is due to the excessive feelings of heat or cold they experience when trying to sleep.

In addition, sudden changes in the temperature of the environment usually have a stronger impact on patients. After all, they are much more sensitive to such changes than a healthy person would be.

10. Depression

A very important thing to think about when discussing fibromyalgia is the episodes of depression  that the sick often go through.

Unfortunately, this is a condition that has a noticeable impact on the quality of life. This often causes emotional changes and feelings of deep sadness due to the limitations that the patient must learn to live with.

As we have seen, the development of fibromyalgia is not easy to understand. Everyone who goes through it requires strong support from medical and psychological professionals, as well as from family or friends.

It is important to include all potential symptoms of fibromyalgia, so that in case of suspicion, patients can get a confirmed diagnosis or get peace of mind as soon as possible.

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