Seven Remedies To Prevent And Cure Sunburn

There are many home remedies for sunburn. Their goal is to hydrate and nourish your skin naturally. These ingredients can be found everywhere. In addition, you will not have the risk of side effects or allergic reactions.
Seven remedies to prevent and cure sunburn

Sunburn is very common in summer. Many people spend all day on the beach without taking the necessary care and recommendations into account.

The problem is that the troublesome symptoms of dangerous exposure to UV rays will soon come.

Still, if you take proper care of your skin by applying sunblock, you can avoid irritating it.

There are many home remedies for sunburn. Their goal is to hydrate and nourish your skin naturally. These ingredients can be found everywhere. In addition, you will not have the risk of side effects or allergic reactions.

Recommended home media

1. Aloe vera

The skin flakes off on the shoulders

Aloe vera is highly recommended for treating sunburn. This is because it gives you a relaxing relief. In addition, it helps the healing process.

You can apply it directly on the affected skin to relieve the itching and the burning sensation. The high content of collagen  accelerates the healing of your skin.

You can buy the gel at the pharmacy or in health food stores. You can also cut a leaf from the plant and spread the inner part on the sunburned area.

2. Coconut oil

Coconut oil has fatty acids that can improve your health in many ways. It is also rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals.

It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. These prevent possible infections. At the same time, they soothe irritation and redness.

For the skin, it is a great hydrating tonic. In addition, it accelerates the healing of the burned skin.

3. Fresh milk

Milk against sunburn

The lactic acids in milk have soothing properties for sunburn in your skin.

What do you need to do?

  • Soak a cloth or gauze in fresh whole milk and apply it gently on the sunburned area.
  • Let it work for 20 minutes and rinse with cold water.
  • It is important that you use whole milk because of its fat content.

4. Cooking banana leaves

Cooking banana leaves are highly recommended to treat burns. Although this plant is originally from Europe and Asia, it grows almost anywhere in the world.

The leaves have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and anti-bleeding properties.

  • You can use fresh leaves, well washed, by applying them to the wound.
  • You can also crush the leaves and get the juice out. Then you can apply this to the combustion.

5. Cold water

Applying a cold water compress is a highly recommended remedy. It relieves the discomfort of sunburn.

What should you do?

  • You can soak a towel in cold water and apply it directly on the burned areas for several minutes.
  • In order not to lose the cold, soak the towel in water quite often.
  • Remember that you  should not apply ice to sunburned skin. This is because it can prevent the blood from flowing and can cause damage to the delicate tissues.

The water compresses can help get the heat out of the burns. To do this,  apply them immediately after being burned to prevent them from spreading.

6. Tomato

Woman with tomato slices on her face

The tomato is a fruit that has  some of the most powerful moisturizing properties that exist. Nevertheless, it should only be used to treat superficial burns, not severe types.

It also has hydrating and healing properties. Because of this, it is very good for treating dryness in the skin caused by burns.

What should I do?

  • You can prepare a drink and use the fruit for this.
  • This should be applied to the affected area.
  • Let it work for 15 minutes  before removing it with cold water.

7. Potatoes

Potatoes have starch-based compounds that can help relieve sunburn.

What should you do?

  • To enjoy its benefits, you can cut a raw potato into slices and rub them on the affected area.
  • You can also grate a raw potato and apply it as a porridge wrap.
  • If you want, you can mix it in a blender with a little water and apply it as a mask on the sunburned areas. Wait for it to dry before rinsing it off.

Advice to prevent sunburn

Woman with sunscreen
  • Avoid sun exposure  between 11 in the morning and 5 pm in the evening.
  • Apply sunscreen  30 minutes before going out in the sun.
  • If you are near water, apply a sun block every two hours.
  • Wear a hat and sunglasses to protect yourself from UV rays.
  • Choose a broad-spectrum sunblock with the right protection factor  for your skin type.
  • It is a good idea to drink plenty of water. This is especially true of fruits mixed with water.

It is very important that you take all these tips into account in order to comfortably sunbathe and take care of your health and skin.

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