Read About The Effect Exercise Has On The Brain

Many studies have shown that you are in optimal shape when your brain is “high” after exercise. Physical activity is necessary for the proper functioning of this organ and it prevents it from weakening. In addition, it affects your cognitive abilities unparalleled.
Read about the effect exercise has on the brain

Regular physical activity is a determining factor in human well-being. This is because exercise is good for our brain – and it’s a fact. Our physical and mental well-being depends on the health of the brain. It is therefore important to stay active if you want to improve your quality of life. There is a lot of evidence for the effect exercise has on the brain.

Studies have shown that it leads to slower aging and can help prevent serious disorders such as Alzheimer’s. It also has a big impact on our mood and quality of life. 

Ever since antiquity, people have confirmed that exercise is good for the brain. The famous Latin saying “Mens sana in corpore sano” (healthy mind, healthy body), was even used during the second century BC by the poet Juvenal. Today we know, thanks to science, that he was right.

The effect exercise has on the brain: Exercise is good for brain health

In principle, exercise is good for the brain because the brain is highly dependent on the cardiovascular system. This in turn works much better when you practice physical activity regularly. Cardiovascular health has a direct impact on brain health. 

All in all, several studies show a relationship between frequent physical activity and a lower risk of neurodegenerative diseases. At the same time, research has shown that physical activity improves a number of cognitive functions and brings with it many psychological benefits.

A group of researchers from Western Sydney University and the University of Manchester published a study on this in NeuroImage , a journal. According to their research, certain areas of the brain were reduced by 5% every decade after the age of 40. When people exercise, this percentage can be reduced all the way down to zero.

The effect of exercise on the brain is great.
Exercise is good for all ages and you can do it with others.

Physiological and cognitive benefits

One of the biggest reasons why the effect exercise has on the brain is so good is that it generates more neurons. For a long time it was thought that this organ could not create new cells, but today we know that it is possible. The name for this process is “neurogenesis”.

The hippocampus is one of the areas of the brain involved in neurogenesis. In an experiment with 737 participants, led by Dr. Joseph Firth, they discovered that regular aerobic exercise increased the size of the left hippocampal area. Thus, it promotes the proliferation of new neurons.

All in all, researchers have discovered that exercise:

  • Maintains gray matter. This substance is responsible for data transfer and mental agility, but weakens over the years. However, studies show that it is denser and more complete in those who exercise, regardless of age.
  • Improves executive functions. These features allow people to perform tasks and solve complex problems.
  • Improves concentration. Several studies show that those who exercise regularly find it easier to concentrate.
  • Increases cognitive flexibility. Physical activity increases the ability to easily jump from one task to another.
  • Improves long-term memory. One study showed that people who exercised before memorizing a text remembered the text better than those who did little physical activity.
  • Slows brain aging. There is research that proves that those who exercise regularly increase the volume of the hippocampus by 1 to 2% after the age of 30.

The effect exercise has on the brain: Mental and emotional benefits

The effect exercise has on the brain is reflected in our emotions as well.
Exercise has an effect on your emotions. This is because activities provide the brain with substances and generate symptoms of satisfaction.

As if not all of the above are enough, other studies have also shown that there are many psychological and emotional benefits to physical activity. Mental health is one of the most important components for proper brain function and physical activity helps to improve and maintain it.

Some of the reasons why physical exercise is good for brain health are:

  • It prevents and reduces depression. Physical activity is a natural antidepressant because it affects the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that is essential for the feeling of well-being and mood in general.
  • It reduces stress and anxiety. The body secretes endorphins when we exercise (dopamine and norepinephrine, to be precise). They usually help reduce conditions of restlessness and irritation and promote emotional stability.
  • Finally, it increases a person’s self-esteem and creativity. Physical exercise also affects our motivation and vitality. All these contributions make us more creative and proactive. Similarly, physical activity helps reduce withdrawal symptoms when trying to get rid of an addiction.

So what are you waiting for? Start moving! Your brain will thank you.

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