Postpartum Yoga For Beginners

Postpartum yoga is a way to supplement the process of adapting and adjusting the body and mind after a pregnancy. Today’s article will explain how to do it.
Postpartum yoga for beginners

The best time to start postpartum yoga is eight weeks after birth. You need to focus on deep breathing to optimize the oxygenation of the body. These first exercises are known as asanas .

Asanas are different body positions that prepare the body and mind, so that a month later you can gradually increase the degree of difficulty.

It should not be difficult to incorporate yoga into your postpartum routine if you are already used to doing it. However, some people know that it is the only method for human physical, mental and spiritual development if you are going to try it for the first time, according to Indra Devi in ​​the book Forever Young, Forever Healthy .

Thus, it restores the tone of the muscles, and breathing and relaxation restore emotional balance. In fact, it is as refreshing for mothers as it is to take a long nap.

In addition, yoga is an ally in the fight to reduce stress after postpartum depression.

Considerations before starting

A yoga group.
Meditation, yoga, deep breathing and mindfulness are techniques that help to relax the cerebral amygdala.

Ask your doctor if you are already allowed to exercise before starting after the birth. The times may vary depending on the type of birth, ie if the birth was vaginal or caesarean section. The latter requires a few weeks of rest – around 12 to 16 weeks.

In addition, you need to consider that you will probably have to stop at the mall since you will need a number of basic accessories to get started. Here are some of them.

Wear comfortable clothes, preferably made of cotton

Make sure that the clothes are not too tight if you choose lycra, as it can cause discomfort with some movements. The ideal outfits are the tight ones that are designed for postpartum and provide mobility.

A yoga mat

This is to place it on the floor so you can work on it. It will prevent you from slipping when you rest your hands, knees and feet. Most importantly, it will provide stability when doing the poses, as well as protect you from the floor temperature.

Choose one made with organic materials such as natural rubber if you still do not have one and plan to buy one. Other materials that will work well are organic cotton or microfiber, organic polyurethane and even cork.

Yoga blocks

These are usually made of materials such as cork or foam. The least common are those used by three people in the past. They are practical as an extension of the body when you have not reached enough flexibility in a particular bag.

Elastic bands

These bands help maintain proper alignment in any bag or asana you make. They are not absolutely necessary, but are a good supplement to the exercises that correct the position of the back.

Things to avoid when practicing postpartum yoga

You should avoid orienting the exercise towards positions that require a high degree of flexibility in the period after birth. This is because the body is still recovering and adapting. Since you should not force it, stay away from situps that exert pressure in the area that can aggravate pelvic problems.

In the same way, you skip exercises that trigger the discomfort that remains after birth by working with the tone of the muscles. For example, the ones you have to squat in, especially if you have had hemorrhoids or a tear that requires stitches.

Recommended exercises

A group that makes the child pose.
Weekly yoga exercises will help you feel good; not only physically but also emotionally.

We suggest you go somewhere nearby for weekly yoga practice. This way you can share your experiences with other mothers and get expert help.

You can have your baby around, either in a stroller or by including them in certain bags that help strengthen your bond. Look them in the eye and smile at them. In fact, inclusion is a good idea until they are about seven months old.

Another option is to do it at home if it suits you best. Do it either with a remote guide or on your own if you already know what you are doing. One or two sessions a week for 30 to 60 minutes will be enough to start.

Heat slowly. In addition, keep in mind that the increase in activity should be gradual. Furthermore, stay well hydrated and wear a firm bra. Of course, stop any painful effort.

You can tone the pelvic floor, abdominal belt, the reorganization of the internal organs and the uterus with postpartum yoga. It also helps to adjust the spine and put it back to its natural shape.

Here are some exercises you can do.

Pelvic slope

This exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles. It consists of lying on your back with your legs bent and your back completely flat on the floor.

Then contract the abdominal muscles without shrinking the buttocks and tilt the pelvis backwards – keep the waist close to the floor.

Now hold the position for about 10 seconds and repeat five times.

Kegel training in postpartum yoga

You can tone the pelvic floor muscles that support the uterus, bladder, small intestine and rectum with these exercises. They will help you control urinary and anal incontinence.

Begin by contracting your abdominal muscles as if you want to stop urinating. Now, hold it for 10 seconds and then release. Then relax for 10 seconds between each contraction and do the series about three times a day with ten repetitions each time.

Ananda Balasana , or happy baby position

Lie on your back and bring your knees up to your chest. Then open them a little wider than the width of the hips. Keep your arms inside your knees while using your hands to support your feet or ankles.

At this point, bend your knees so that the soles of your feet are facing upwards and gently pull your feet down to lower them. Then focus on relaxing the pelvic floor muscles in this position for about 90 seconds.

This asana is great for warming up and stretching the hip area, lower back and legs. It will help you fall asleep at the end of the day.

Shoulder adjustment

You can do this sitting or standing, with your head and spine straight, and your ears aligned with your shoulders. Take the shoulder blades back as if you want to fold them.

Then hold it for one second, release it and repeat it 15 times, three times a day.

The health benefits of postpartum yoga

We need to highlight the emotional support that yoga provides to mothers in the postpartum period. This is through the conscious work of deep breathing by understanding “consciousness”, especially from the Eastern definition that connects it to a spiritual act and not just as a mental operation.

For this reason, yoga offers balance just when emotions alternate between joy, fatigue, optimism, exhaustion, hope, insecurity and so many others. It is a useful tool for coping with postpartum depression, a current reality made visible as a way to support and be there for mothers.

Another benefit is that it accelerates the process of returning to optimal physical conditions before pregnancy. It is also a tool for correcting bad postures involved in the back and neck. It allows you to regain stability, balance and well-being.

Final recommendations for doing yoga after birth

You can find some do-it-yourself options on the Internet to replace the blocks or mat if you still do not have the specific equipment to do postpartum yoga.

There are also many scientific and multimedia resources available to guide you on this journey.

Finally, keep in mind that this is not a tool for losing weight and regaining the shape you had before pregnancy. These exercises with breathing techniques are just one part of a method that helps you connect with your inner self and your baby. It is just a place where you can relax and meditate until you have recharged and are ready to continue your motherhood.

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