Means To Fight Insomnia And Sleep Better

Although they are designed to help you fight insomnia and sleep better, it is possible to develop tolerance and dependence on sleeping pills.
Means to fight insomnia and sleep better

To combat insomnia and sleep better, the best choices are natural remedies. Why? Because your body may develop a tolerance to drugs so you will have to take a larger dose each time. This in itself is a kind of addiction.

In this article, we present some of the best natural remedies to combat insomnia and sleep better. You will see that they are very simple but effective. Try them then!

These remedies will not only help you fall asleep easier. They also give you better sleep quality since your sleep can often be light. When you wake up, you may feel that you do not have much energy.

11 remedies to combat insomnia and sleep better

1. A warm foot bath

Immerse your feet in fairly warm water (without burning yourself) for 20 to 30 minutes. This is a hydrotherapy technique that gives a good feeling of well-being, especially on cold days or if you often feel cold. You can, if you wish, add a little sea ​​salt or bicarbonate as a shower in the water. The most important thing, however, is to cover your feet well as soon as they are out of the foot bath.

2. Remedies to combat insomnia: Meditation and relaxation

Meditation to combat insomnia.

If insomnia is caused by stress, anxiety, too much work or worries, you should look for techniques to calm your mind, such as meditation or relaxation exercises such as stretching or yoga, etc.

It is important to spend 30 minutes a day just relaxing and trying to maintain a clear mind at the same time.

Have a light and early dinner

If you eat dinner late or eat too much you will overload your liver. This will make it difficult to sleep. Eating light food that is easy to digest, no later than 2 hours before bedtime, is the best remedy for those who wake up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason.

4. Remedies to combat insomnia: Relaxing massage


Massage or self-massage with relaxing essential oils (lavender, chamomile, watercress, molasses) is one of the most effective and pleasant remedies for insomnia and worries at night.

5. Follow daylight

To cope with insomnia and sleep better, following daylight is a very simple (and effective) piece of advice. By this we mean getting up at dawn and going to bed after sunset.

This makes us adapt to the rhythm of the sun and the seasons, which is not always possible with work and family obligations. However, it is a great way to balance your sleep and activities.

6. Remedies to combat insomnia: Get some sun

Sun to fight insomnia.

Get some sun during the day. Just 10 minutes a day can also help regulate our biorhythm. Exposure to the sun is harmful if you do it too much. However, it is a great technique if you use common sense.

7. Soothing food

To combat insomnia and sleep better, we also recommend that you eat some foods with relaxing properties, such as cooked vegetables, except in the evening. There are also some really revitalizing fruits, like apples or kiwi, which are also very relaxing. When it comes to grains, oats are recommended.

8. Remedies to combat insomnia: Hot water bottle

Hot water bottle.

Place a hot water bottle over the ribs on the right side for half an hour before going to bed. This trick improves liver function and helps fight insomnia. It also gives a good feeling of well-being and prepares you for a good night’s sleep.

9. Warm clay

If you have a weakened bowel, or if you are going through a very stressful time, we recommend that you apply a clay wrap to your stomach. Keep it there for at least half an hour, although it would be better to wear it throughout the night.

10. Remedies to combat insomnia: Magnesium bath

Magnesium bath to combat insomnia.

If you have a bathtub at home you should definitely try this. Take a bath with warm water and magnesium sulphate (100 g) before going to bed. Not only will you sleep without problems, but it will also improve the function of the nervous system and help soothe possible pain or tension. Bathe for at least half an hour and then go straight to bed.

11. Flower resources

Bach flower medicine is very useful flower essences to fight insomnia and sleep better. They are also very helpful in cases of emotional instability. Furthermore, they do not have side effects or interfere with other medications. You can also not become dependent on them. To combat insomnia, we recommend the following:

  • White chestnut. Soothing for worries.
  • Scleranthus. For those who suffer from intermittent sleep.
  • Ironwort. For very nervous or impulsive people.
  • Agrimonia. For people who hide the worries behind a facade of happiness.
  • Elm. For those who work too much.

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