Low Self-esteem: When You Become Your Own Enemy

Believe it or not, the low self-esteem can intensify little by little. You need to learn to see things from a more relative perspective and to differentiate your view of reality
Low self-esteem: when you become your own enemy

Your emotional balance is highly dependent on your self-esteem. When you have low self-esteem, it can negatively affect all aspects of your life. But that’s not even the worst. Did you know that having low self-esteem can make you your own worst enemy?

Self-esteem is something that is in your hands, but all too often we let others manipulate it.

Low self-esteem can paralyze you

Good self-esteem is very important for your overall well-being, a fact that can not be overlooked. However, too many people suffer from low self-esteem, which creates a lot of suffering.


Low self-esteem has an incredible ability to paralyze someone. When you do not have a good view of yourself, you will not be able to act in a positive way. Instead, do the opposite. Even getting out of bed will be difficult, everything will affect you negatively, and you will be more vulnerable to everything.

Frustration and bad feelings can eventually lead to bigger problems such as depression. This is why it is important to find out where the problem with your self-esteem comes from and how to solve it.

Do not know how? Are there deeper issues that you are trying to identify? If this is the case, it is important to consider talking to a professional psychologist for help in identifying the real problems.

Do not let your low self-esteem paralyze you, you deserve to be happy!

The opinions that affect you

One of the first things that can trigger self-esteem is the value you give other people’s opinions about you. The worst thing you can do is take their opinions for granted, leading to unnecessary suffering.

low self-esteem

Why do you put so much emphasis on other people’s opinions? Because you have been trained to seek the approval of others and to want their positive feedback, which makes you think that  a negative reaction indicates  that you are doing something wrong.

But guess what, reality does not work that way. The most serious problem arises when your view of yourself is influenced by the opinions of others. This can cause you to change your perception of yourself and depress your self-esteem. To see things in perspective, you have to take some distance.

Your negative emotions can obscure your view of reality. Think about whether the opinions of others are true and whether you feel you are going in the right direction. You will be amazed at what you discover!

Stop being your own worst enemy


As you have seen, it is possible to end up being your own worst enemy. You assume that everything you see and hear is true, and suddenly you have turned to yourself. What can you do to stop this vicious circle? Are there any ways to improve your self-esteem? Let’s look at some simple tips you can start doing today!

  • Set realistic goals.
  • Be aware of your own limitations.
  • Appreciate all your qualities.
  • Give yourself love and be positive.
  • Accept constructive criticism.
  • Give yourself time.
  • Try to be more confident.
  • Get enough exercise.
  • Never compare yourself to others.

There are many more tips we can include, but these are the small steps you can take that can help you reach a turning point between who you were and who you want to be. It is not always easy to trust yourself, but it is never impossible!

In addition to this, you should share your goals with friends or family. Sometimes we think we can do everything ourselves, and we do not want to bother others with our problems. But talking through it can help, and sometimes it means that a solution will appear faster.


Have you ever been your own worst enemy? What were the causes of your low self-esteem?  It is perfectly normal to feel down sometimes, but prolonging this state of mind will never be good for you. Learn to believe in yourself and you will never be your own enemy.


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