Learn How To Relieve The Symptoms Of Atopic Eczema

All skin problems must be dealt with by carefully following all the recommendations you have received, since the environment is highly polluted and can prevent you from getting better.
Learn how to relieve the symptoms of atopic eczema

Atopic eczema (or atopic dermatitis) is very common, and the number of people with this type of condition increases every year. It appears at a very early age, which means that it affects babies and children, as well as adults to a lesser extent.

In children, it usually appears on the face and in areas we can bend, such as elbows, knees and the inside of the wrist, or in the scalp, as well as on the legs and buttocks.

It is said to be an inherited condition, which means that if one of your parents has suffered from it, you are more likely to develop it as well.

In this article, we will tell you a little more about atopic eczema, as well as show you some  natural treatments that can help relieve your symptoms.

The symptoms of atopic eczema

The symptoms of atopic eczema are very noticeable and easy to recognize, so it is not difficult to identify them. They are:

  • Dry Skin
  • A rough or scaly appearance
  • Redness
  • Itch
  • Blisters that ooze
  • Crusts
  • Inflammation

It is very important to  avoid scratching so as not to damage the skin so that you can avoid the risk of infection. The skin will be very dry and does not have much fat, so it will be flaky and irritated very easily.

Atopic eczema is different from seborrheic dermatitis and contact dermatitis due to itching. The seborrheic type occurs only on the scalp, as well as sometimes around the face and on the chest, and contact dermatitis is caused by allergens.


As we said earlier, it is mainly caused by genetic problems.

It is believed to be caused by a lack of proteins and a  reduction in the concentration of essential fatty acids in the skin,  which increases sensitivity. However, it is still unknown exactly why this is happening.

Nevertheless, there are certain environmental ,  allergenic and food-related factors, and even some clothing, that aggravate the disease.


  • Choose alcohol- and paraben-free perfumes and creams. Use hypoallergenic makeup.
  • Avoid prolonged baths or showers,  as well as too hot water, as it can aggravate the condition. Only shower once a day with suitable warm water and dry yourself gently, without rubbing with the towel.
  • Get rid of stress. Frequent anger, frustrating situations, nervousness, stress or embarrassment are factors that can cause outbursts. Try some relaxation techniques to control these emotions.
Clean clothes
  • Apply moisture to the face and body daily. By using a cold moisturizer, you can also relieve the itching (keep it in the fridge).
  • Wear clothes made of 100% cotton. Wool and synthetic fibers can cause skin problems.
  • Use soaps with a neutral pH. These help sensitive skin.
  • Wash new clothes to get rid of residues from the products used in production.
  • Cut the nails of children and babies to prevent them from scratching.
  • Have a normal temperature at home, which means you should avoid extreme temperatures, both in winter and summer. Also try to be in a cooler environment.

Natural treatments for atopic eczema


This is the most effective herb for soothing itching because it moisturizes your skin, repairs it, and helps reduce inflammation.


  • 3 chamomile flowers
  • 1 cup water (250 ml)


  • Put a pot of water on the stove.
  • When it starts to boil, add the flowers and let the pot stand over the heat for 2 minutes.
  • Remove, strain and leave.
  • Dip a clean towel with the mixture and apply it on the affected area.

Aloe vera

As always, aloe vera must be on the list of home remedies for our skin. Due to its properties, it will  rejuvenate and moisturize the skin, which helps reduce inflammation and relieves the burning  sensation and itching.


  • Remove the gel from an aloe vera leaf and run it in a blender until smooth.
  • Apply the gel to the affected area and within minutes you will notice a difference.
  • We recommend repeating this procedure 3 times a day so that the effect lasts longer.

Face mask with cucumber

Cucumbers are an excellent natural ingredient for reducing skin inflammation. Their anti-inflammatory and diuretic compounds help with the elimination of fluids to restore the normal condition of the skin.

Cucumber mask for atopic eczema


  • ½ cucumber

This is what you do

  • Make a juice of half a cucumber, and put it in the fridge for a couple of hours.
  • Then spread it over the affected area while it is still cold .
  • Let it work for 20 minutes and rinse.

Do not forget that this type of condition needs dermatological care. These natural remedies will be a supplement to soothe and reduce the symptoms of this condition.

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