How Well You Sleep Depends On What You Do Before You Go To Bed

There are many factors that determine how well a person sleeps. What you do before bedtime plays an important role in how well you sleep since your habits and patterns have a lot to do with what happens in your body when you sleep.
How well you sleep depends on what you do before going to bed

There are many factors that determine how well a person sleeps. What you do before going to bed plays an important role in how well you sleep because your habits and patterns have a lot to do with what happens in your body when you sleep.

Sleep affects not only your body but also your brain. When you sleep, your brain processes what you have learned and works with your memory. Your body rests physically and mentally.

At bedtime, the human body goes through a series of processes. Blood pressure drops along with respiratory and sensory functions. This is how the body relaxes and rests.

The time before bedtime and what you do then is important so that your body can get into a state of relaxation, which is necessary for sleep. Your bedtime habits are crucial.

For example, eating a large meal just before going to bed will keep your digestive system active. The same thing happens with your brain if it is overstimulated just before you try to sleep.

The best things to do right before going to bed

A woman looking at fruit and milk in the fridge at night.

You need to prepare your body for sleep. Just like a machine, your body must be programmed to activate and deactivate itself. You can program your body with a fixed bedtime and rituals. Get your body used to routines that help you sleep well.

  • Eat a light dinner . Food greatly affects how easily you fall asleep. Eating a large meal or sugary foods will make it harder to fall asleep.
  • Stay away from complex carbohydrates due to the high sugar content and because many foods not only stimulate the body but also the brain.
  • Limit fluid intake . Some people are used to drinking a glass of water before bed. However, it is best not to drink anything for an hour before bedtime. Also, the last thing you drink should be a relaxing tea.
Listen to music before going to bed.

More things to keep in mind:

  • Listen to relaxing music . Some people use music to help them sleep. If you do, we recommend classical music and keeping the volume low. You can also try sea sounds or white noise to relax.
  • Go to bed at the same time every night . Keeping a routine is very important for your body. It is also important if you want a good night’s sleep. Lying down and waking up at the same time every day makes your body used to resting.
  • Take a walk around the house. Walking around the house is a good habit to get into before bedtime. Why? When you walk, you let go of your worries and give your brain a chance to rest. You can take advantage of the time to reflect on your day and prepare for tomorrow.
  • Do breathing exercises in bed. Inhale and breathe consciously and slowly to release tension. The extra oxygen it sends to your brain will also relieve anxiety.
  • Do physical activity before going to bed. It has been proven that exercise before bedtime is relaxing. A body that has just trained naturally feels the fatigue it needs to fall asleep. However, there is a caveat: Avoid competitive sports just before bedtime. Competitions stimulate your brain and keep it awake, which can lead to trouble falling asleep.

Things you should not do before going to bed

A girl looking at her cell phone.

To get a good night’s sleep, there are also some bad habits you should avoid. Good sleep does not just happen by itself.

  • Do not use electronics in bed . Mobile phones and computers stimulate your brain too much. If you have to look at your cell phone before going to bed, do so while taking a short walk.
  • Did not sleep with the TV on . Exposure to images, colors and sounds stimulates your brain. Sleeping with the TV on has the same effects as being on your cell phone in bed.
  • Do not drink stimulant drinks in the evening. Say no to coffee, caffeinated tea and chocolate before going to bed. They can make it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep.
  • Do not go over your to-do list until you go to bed. Some people have a habit of going through their calendar or to-do list before bedtime. This is not a good idea – anxiety can keep you awake.

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