Herbs For Fibromyalgia: Do You Know About Them?

Some medicinal herbs, together with medical treatment, can make the symptoms of fibromyalgia more livable. Among these is cayenne pepper, because it contains capsaicin.
Herbs For Fibromyalgia: Do You Know About Them?

Fibromyalgia is a disease that causes muscle pain and fatigue. People who suffer from fibromyalgia usually find that certain areas of the body are more sensitive to pain. The most common areas associated with fibromyalgia are the neck, back, shoulders, arms, legs and hips. Fibromyalgia is very painful and uncomfortable, so it is important to find the right treatment. Here we tell you about herbs for fibromyalgia. These will treat fibromyalgia in a natural way.

A large percentage of those who have fibromyalgia are women (between 80 and 90%). Although the exact cause is unknown, this disease is often associated with traumatic experiences and periods of increased stress, recurrent lesions, general discomfort and certain diseases.

Cayenne pepper: herbs for fibromyalgia

Cayenne pepper has been shown to have properties that treat the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Capsaicin, found in cayenne pepper, is an effective and natural pain reliever. Many painkillers contain cayenne pepper because of its ability to relieve muscle pain.

cayenne pepper

To relieve pain due to fibromyalgia, drink a cup of cayenne pepper tea; The tea is made by mixing a teaspoon of cayenne pepper with a cup of warm water. It is best to make this in the morning and then drink throughout the day. If not, you risk severe irritations in the digestive system.

St. John’s wort: herbs for fibromyalgia

Another herb that is helpful in the fight against fibromyalgia is St. John ‘s wort (from the St. John ‘s wort family). It is a medium-sized plant that produces elongated yellow flowers. This herb is mostly used to treat depression and can show good results. Remember that depression is a common side effect of fibromyalgia, so anything that helps fight this is helpful.


In addition to treating depression, St. John’s wort also relieves pain and treats insomnia. The best way to ingest this herb is through capsules or supplements sold in pharmacies or health food stores. Some also make tea from the flowers, so it can also be an option.

Although it is an herb, St. John’s wort can affect other medications such as antidepressants, contraception and more; therefore, you should always consult your doctor or pharmacist before starting this supplement. It is wrong to think that medicinal plants are completely harmless. In fact, many of the different types of drugs available today are based on chemicals that were first found in plants.


devil's claw

Harpagophytum is also known as “devil’s claw”. It is named after the fruits, which are woody capsules with sharp spikes and a crooked tip. The composition of this herb is very effective in fighting diseases such as gout. It has also shown good results in the treatment of fibromyalgia.

“Devil’s Claw” is a powerful analgesic with anti-inflammatory properties. It can reduce the pain associated with fibromyalgia. In addition, it stimulates the appetite, lowers cholesterol levels, cleanses and reduces intestinal pain. The most common ways to use this herb is to apply extract from the plant directly on the painful area, make an extract or by taking capsules.

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