Four Tips To Avoid Feeling Hungry All The Time

Feeling hungry all the time is a condition that can be caused by poor eating habits, or by a slightly unhealthy lifestyle. Among other practices, it can help to eat certain foods and have better emotional control.
Four tips to avoid feeling hungry all the time

If you recently ate lunch and still feel hungry, you may not be adding the necessary ingredients to your diet. How can you avoid feeling hungry all the time? We tell you that in this article.

Some reasons why you feel hungry all the time

It has certainly happened that sometimes, after a big lunch, you can only walk an hour before you realize that you are hungry again!

Why is this happening?

There are various reasons that can explain this, for example:

Dehydration can make you feel hungry all the time

Avoid feeling hungry

Many times we think we are hungry, when in reality we are thirsty. This is because dehydration can have the same “symptoms” as appetite.

In any case, the body needs fluids. However, the hypothalamus cannot tell if it needs solids or fluids. Because of this, the region in the brain responsible for both of these sensations “awakens”.

2. Insomnia

Lack of sleep increases the levels of ghrelin, which makes you feel hungry all the time. In addition, insomnia reduces our leptin level, the hormone responsible for making you feel full.

3. Sugar

Eating too much sugar can make you feel hungry all the time

Sweets are not healthy, and for as many calories as they have, they only fill their stomachs for a short while.

The carbohydrates found in sweets, biscuits and cakes cause an increase in blood sugar, which will later drop significantly to normal levels. That’s why you feel like eating again an hour after eating a pastry.

4. Stress

Stress levels trigger the production of adrenaline and cortisol, and cause the same effects that come with insomnia: That you do not feel full after eating. These hormones are responsible for, among other things, increasing appetite and reducing serotonin.

This results in the feeling of scrubbing hunger, even after lunch or dinner.

5. Diet

A healthy diet is important to keep your body in good shape

Some of your eating habits can also make you feel hungry all the time. For example, if you do not add enough protein to your lunch, if you do not eat enough healthy fats or if you skip meals, it is possible that your stomach “cries for food.”

It could also be because you drink too much alcohol (which dehydrates you), that you eat too fast (your brain does not receive the signal that you are full) or that you look at pictures of food on social media (which increase the level of appetite hormones ).

Tips to avoid feeling hungry all the time

Understanding the causes of your constant hunger is the first step in meeting this feeling of hunger that does not leave you alone. As we continue, we present some tips to help you not feel hungry all the time:

Make several healthy meals a day

Make several healthy meals a day

It’s not about eating without control, but about feeding yourself intelligently. Instead of eating a lot three times a day, the healthiest option is to eat 5-6 smaller meals a day.

That means: breakfast, mid-morning, lunch, snack, late afternoon and dinner. In the extra meals you can choose fruit, yogurt with granola or a smoothie, among other options.

2. Eat a good breakfast

The first meal of the day should be hearty and keep you full for many hours. It is therefore not a good idea to drink coffee while you put on make-up, change clothes or are on your way to the office. Take your time to eat breakfast as you should.

In addition, the menu should include protein, healthy fats and carbohydrates. That way, you will avoid insulin peaks in the blood, and you will have energy from the start of the day.

For example, you can have scrambled eggs (protein) for breakfast, a cup of yogurt or milk, fruit or a piece of wholemeal bread (carbohydrates) with olive oil, avocado or nuts (healthy fats).

3. Increase your fiber intake

Increase your fiber intake to avoid feeling hungry all the time

Another strategy to not feel hungry all the time is to increase your fiber intake. Fiber is a very important nutrient that helps us feel satisfied longer and with the necessary energy to meet the day.

To get the daily amount (20 g of fiber) you can eat two pieces of fruit, two servings of vegetables, rice, bread or wheat pasta.

Drink green tea so as not to feel hungry all the time

Green tea is a tea with many properties that help you avoid feeling hungry all the time, in addition to the fact that you can burn fat. If you drink it hot, your stomach will feel full. If you choose to drink it cold, it will help eliminate dehydration, which can be confused with hunger.

It is ideal for mid-morning or late afternoon, accompanied by a handful of nuts or seeds!

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