Four Signs Of Protein Deficiency In Your Diet

Did you know that your chronic fatigue and hair loss can be due to lack of nutrients? If this is the case for you then you should go see a nutritionist to find out what your deficiencies are. This may be due to a lack of protein!
Four signs of a lack of protein in your diet

Do you have a lack of protein in your diet?

Food is one of the most important factors in the development of humans. It is so important for your body that your daily energy will depend on what you include in your diet.

So the things that can be called food are the fuel for your body. As a result, the quality of the food you eat affects your health and the efficiency of what your body does.

From this, there are several relevant components that stand out, such as carbohydrates, fats and protein. In this article we will talk about the last group.

The importance of protein in your diet

Protein-rich foods

In modern society, it is usually normal to have a balance in the diet. This is due to a higher intake of protein. However, due to changes in dietary habits,  you are also starting to show a deficit of this important compound.

By following this train of thought, it is necessary to know the role that protein plays in your body, as well as what is their real importance. The:

  • Gives you approx. 15% of your total daily energy .
  • Helps with the multiplication of muscles, nails, skin and hair.
  • Produces antibodies. As a result, they can treat infections.
  • Helps with weight loss processes thanks to the fact that it strengthens the muscles.
  • Helps with the production of red blood cells and enzymes.
  • Plays a very important role in your body’s homeostasis. In particular, it affects the water present in your body.

Signs that show a lack of protein in your diet

We need to know what the main signs of protein deficiency in our diet are. To do this, we must keep in mind the important processes that protein is a part of.

If you notice any of the following symptoms appearing, the best thing to do is book an appointment with a health professional (especially a nutritionist). This will help you get the right treatment or the right diet.

1. You get sick easier

Woman with the flu

Of course  , the first system that responds to a health threat is your immune system. It turns out that this is closely linked to proteins.

When you do not eat this powerful nutrient in your diet, it is likely that you have a deficiency of antibodies. These are structures that have proteins as a basis. Because of this, illness will take advantage of the slightest opportunity. It will start to do damage to your entire body.

2. Loss of muscle mass due to a lack of protein in the diet

One of the most relevant and common functions of proteins is the formation of muscles.

Going to the gym is one of the first recommendations they will give you to increase the amount of protein you have in your diet. This allows you to reach your goal much faster ( muscular hypertrophy).

You may have a problem related to the amount of protein you have in your diet. As time goes on, they will start to get weaker. Later, the muscle growth you have experienced will be significantly less.

This does not only affect a person’s appearance. It also causes negative health consequences. Injuries and seizures are the first thing that occurs. They come all over your body and especially in your upper and lower limbs.

Chronic fatigue

Exhausted woman

This is also known as exhaustion. Chronic fatigue is one of the main signs of an insufficient amount of protein in your diet. This is characterized by  your body’s inability to do certain normal and normal activities. These can be done all the time.

In general, the body is overwhelmed for no apparent reason. Because of this, it often bothers the person suffering from it.

4. Skin problems

The tissues that are responsible for caring for the surface of your skin require a large number of nutrients. They use these to perform their basic tasks. Among these, proteins stand out.

When this type of deficiency occurs, your skin has trouble forming collagen, keratin, and elastane. These are basic for everything related to your skin’s resistance, elasticity, and hydration, among other things.

By following this train of thought, your hair will also be greatly affected. Your hair roots are the most damaged because they are made with proteins. This gets in the way of the growth process. It also affects the strength and flexibility of each strand of hair. Finally, not getting this nutrient from your diet will also  increase the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on your face.

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