Fantastic Detox Diet To Cleanse The Kidneys

You should follow a detox diet at least once a year to rid your kidneys of all the toxins that are in your body. We teach you how to do it.
Fantastic detoxifying diet to cleanse the kidneys

When we start a diet, our main goal is usually to lose weight. However, there are diet plans that suit other needs, such as a detox diet or “detox diet” to cleanse the kidneys.

Kidneys are important organs for a healthy body. They are shaped like beans, and their size does not say much about their enormous responsibilities. They are only about eight inches wide and thirteen inches long, about the size of a fist.

They are located just above the waist and behind the abdominal cavity. The main function of the kidneys is to detoxify the body. They distinguish between good and bad substances, and remove the latter.

Given how important they are, we would like to recommend a great detox diet in today’s post so you can cleanse your kidneys and keep them healthy.

Kidney functions

Swollen feet caused by fluid retention

Kidneys are the body’s most important blood filters. They hold back the substances that the body can use and eliminate the rest through urine. In addition to filtering our blood, the kidneys also have other jobs, which highlights the importance of keeping them in good shape. This is explained in the medical journal  Zona Hospitalaria. The:

  • Filters 1.80 liters of fluid per day.
  • Generates between 1.5 and 2 liters of urine.
  • Eliminates toxins.
  • Recovers good substances such as water, sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium and glucose.
  • Are needed to synthesize the hormone erythropoietin, which is responsible for the production of red blood cells.
  • Plays a role in renin synthesis, which is a hormone that works in regulating blood pressure.
  • Is involved in vitamin D production, which keeps bones healthy by producing calcitriol.
  • Helps our body maintain homeostasis.

Now, to find out if you are going to start a diets diet or not, you need to consider the signs that indicate kidney problems:

  • Fluid accumulation
  • Change in odor, color or amount of urine
  • Pain when urinating
  • Possible bladder infections
  • Increased blood pressure levels
  • Possible kidney infections
  • General fatigue
  • Itchy skin rash

A detoxifying diet for the kidneys

You should cleanse your kidneys at least once a year. First and foremost, however, you should know which foods to avoid because they can affect kidney function.


You should avoid consuming excess amounts of salt in addition to foods that leave toxic residues. This can be coffee, lentils, walnuts and plums. Stay away from foods that are also rich in purines because they increase the uric acid content in the body. Here are some examples:

  • Sardines
  • Anchovy
  • Sausages and encapsulated meat
  • Organs
  • Legumes

Similarly, be careful with foods high in potassium because they can be problematic for people with kidney problems or weak kidneys in general. If this is your case, avoid spinach, sweet potatoes, oranges, cabbages and potatoes.

Say no to large portions  because certain foods require the kidneys to work harder. They can be harmful, especially if they are animal products. While we are not saying that you should eliminate them from your diet, you should eat them in reasonable portions. Keep track of your intake of:

  • Meat
  • Poultry
  • Products with lactose and their derivatives
  • Egg

Minimize your sugar intake

We talk separately about sugar because it is the food that should be the least of in our diet. You have probably heard it before from parents, grandparents and doctors.

Eating too much sugar not only leads to diabetes and high cholesterol, but also difficult kidney problems. The kidneys are weakened from diets that are too high in sugar and saturated fat.

What should you eat to cleanse your kidneys?

The detoxification should only last for a few days. Diuretics play an important role in these diets because they help the body eliminate toxins. Some examples you can try are: broccoli, artichokes, pineapple, onion or watercress.


While eating such foods when you are on your detox diet, you also need to drink diuretic drinks. The best options are those that contain parsley, anise, dandelion and reels. You just need to boil some water and add the ingredients you want. Make and drink the infusion, but no longer than one week.

If you prepare reels with a liter of water, you can store the drink in the refrigerator and drink it for up to 15 days. These infusions, combined with a diuretic diet, are a good combination to cleanse your kidneys.

Drink plenty of water

Drink two to three liters of water every day. Water helps our kidneys by helping them work smoothly without too much effort. If you eat protein, you should increase your water intake to around one or two glasses more.

The only exceptions are those who have difficulty urinating or those who suffer from swelling or fluid retention. If this is the case, or when you decide to cleanse your kidneys in general, talk to your doctor about your plan and your detox diet.

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