Essential Oils For Winter Diseases

Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes. There are various preparations that can be used in the winter for the most common conditions in the winter.
Essential oils for winter diseases

With the help of expectorants and antiviral essential oils, you can fight winter diseases such as colds, flu and bronchitis. However, they are not only useful in the treatment of diseases, but are also effective in prevention.

Essential oils are the volatile essence extracted from aromatic plants obtained by distillation and steam distillation. They can not only be administered alone, but can also be combined in the form of syrups, capsules, drops, sprays, environmental dispersion or inhalation.

Scientific aromatherapy is the study of essential oils. It is a science based on a strict method, with solid scientific data confirmed in the laboratory. Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes. It is a natural method based on the activity of biochemical molecules in essential oils.

Today we will tell about eight essential oils that are indispensable for winter illness.

Balsam fir for winter diseases

The essential oil of this tree relieves inflammation and redness of the skin and mucous membranes and is an atmospheric antiseptic. As it is non-toxic and gentle on the skin and mucous membranes, it is ideal for young children and people with sensitive skin.

It has a high affinity for the respiratory tract, and exerts an expectorant and sedative effect on the mucous membranes of the lungs. Especially if these are chronic feelings of the bronchi.

2. Mentholed eucalyptus essential oil

This is a tree that is closely related to the health of the respiratory function. The molecular profile shows a mucolytic effect that facilitates expectoration.

It is useful for respiratory catarrhal conditions and conditions of the nose, throat and ear, both acute and chronic.

However , its molecular profile is not suitable for use in infants, pregnancy and lactation. Nevertheless, it is well tolerated on the skin and mucous membranes.

Eucalyptus oil.
Eucalyptus, in the form of essential oil, is useful for respiratory diseases.

3. Eucalyptus for winter diseases

Essential eucalyptus oil from Australia is respiratory antiseptic and expectorant.

It is useful for relieving colds with mucus that obstructs the upper and lower respiratory tract, such as bronchitis or sinusitis. The antibacterial activity makes it very effective when there is a dry and irritating cough.

4. Laubærblad

The essential oil of bay leaves has several therapeutic activities. Its main area of ​​action is on the emotional level, but due to the cineol content, laurel oil is a good expectorant.

However, due to its components , it has antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is a very complete essential oil, as it also relieves all kinds of pain.

5. Roman chamomile as a useful essential oil

People have recognized the role of Roman chamomile in the treatment of nervous asthma, dyspnoea, shortness of breath or nervous cough since ancient times. Roman chamomile oil has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic and sedative effect.

The action is intense and the effect is displayed quickly. It is completely safe and gentle on the skin and mucous membranes.

Pine for winter diseases

The main molecule of essential oil of pine is the pine needles, a molecule that gives it balsamic properties for the lung mucosa. It is expectorant and is an atmospheric antiseptic.

However, it requires dilution in vegetable oil or other non-irritating essential oils of chemotype. In this way, the concentration decreases so as not to exceed 50%.

Chamomile flowers and chamomile essential oil.
The benefits of essential chamomile oil have been known since ancient times.

7. The laurel family

Experts became aware of this essential oil in the 1980s. Due to its cineole composition , it has expectorant activity and a unique antiviral effect in colds, flu and sinusitis.

It strengthens the body’s natural defenses, so it is very useful in preventing infections. It is especially useful for prevention in kindergartens or nursing homes.

In addition to the pleasant scent, the oil provides energy and vitality. It has an exceptional skin tolerance.

8. Thyme for winter diseases

Thyme is very effective, both for the otorhinolaryngological area and for the upper and lower respiratory tract. Overall, it has a broad-spectrum antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effect.

This oil relieves sore throats and treats winter illnesses such as bronchitis and sinusitis. In short, it is the natural antibiotic for essential oils. Also, it is easy to use.


Essential oils with known biochemical composition are a great alternative for the prevention and treatment of typical winter diseases.

Furthermore, scientific data and extensive clinical experience support their use, as their physiological and therapeutic doses are known. Therefore, this prevents any risk of toxicity, while maintaining optimal effect.

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