Do We Need To Consume Sugar? Find Out The Truth

There is a lot of debate about whether we really need to consume sugar. Find Out The Truth In This Article!
Do we need to consume sugar?  Find out the truth

With the rise of the ketogenic diet, many are wondering if we really need to consume sugar for the body to function. The truth is that experts have given different opinions in recent years. In this article we will tell you everything that science has to say about it.

Before we begin, it is important to note that today’s population tends to consume large amounts of sugar. This is mainly due to the increase in the intake of ultra-processed industrial products. These often have a high content of simple sugars and trans fats to improve the organoleptic properties of the final product.

What is sugar?

White pieces of sugar on a table.
Sugar is a simple carbohydrate whose main component is glucose.

When we talk about sugar, we are referring to a type of simple carbohydrate that mainly consists of glucose units linked together.

Although these devices may form more complex structures, they generally have a high rate of absorption in the gut. For this reason , they increase the amount of insulin the body produces, which has been shown to be harmful in the medium term. Sugar can contain the following nutrients:

Consuming sugar: Monosaccharides

These are simple sugars. They usually consist of a series of glucose molecules connected by simple bonds. Regular intake contributes to poorer health, as they can affect metabolic health and the risk of obesity. A study published in Frontiers in Bioscience supports these claims.


Disaccharides consist of the union of monosaccharides through an o-glycoside bond. These have a slightly lower absorption rate than the previous ones, although they are still considered simple sugars. For this reason , it is important to limit your intake as much as possible.

Consuming sugar: Polysaccharides

Polysaccharides are carbohydrates that consist mainly of glucose, although they form a network of bonds that significantly increase the molecular weight. For this reason, they also fall into the category of complex sugars.

Their rate of absorption decreases, and therefore the effects they cause in the body vary. These compounds are able to generate lower peaks in blood sugar levels.

How does the body metabolize sugar?

Carbohydrates reach the small intestine where enzymes break them down into simple units before they are absorbed. They then pass into the bloodstream, increasing blood sugar and stimulating the secretion of insulin. Insulin is the anabolic hormone that allows the transport of the nutrient into the cells or liver.

Consuming sugar: Brown sugar cubes.
When a person is at rest, their body stores sugar, which it can convert into fat if consumption is very high.

If you are physically active, the sugar reaches the muscle tissue, where your body will convert it into energy that is ready for use. However, if you are at rest, your body will store it in the form of liver or muscle glycogen.

It is worth noting that these muscle deposits are limited. When saturated, the body begins to convert sugar into fat at the liver level for later storage in adipose tissue.

It is also important to note that this increase in lipid reserves has been shown to be harmful to health, especially when it exceeds certain levels. In this sense, they contribute to inflammatory processes that are promoted, which in many cases are associated with the development of complex pathologies.

What does the body use glucose for after we consume sugar?

As we mentioned, the most important use of glucose in the body is to produce energy. It is the preferred fuel for the anaerobic metabolic pathways and can also be introduced into aerobic nature.

However, the latter also accepts fatty acids or even glucose that does not come from sugar. The latter are formed through physiological processes involving fatty acids and proteins.

It is important to note that glucose acts as a brain fuel. However, contrary to popular belief until recently, other compounds can perform this function perfectly. An example of these would be the ketone bodies that we produce under ketosis.

Is it really necessary to consume sugar?

The truth is that everything seems to indicate that sugar is not necessary for the diet of sedentary people. Even when it comes to athletes, intake is controversial. The body can function perfectly in situations with low carbohydrate intake. In fact, this type of diet can be beneficial for the body.

Sugary cereal in a variety of bright colors.

Nevertheless, a low-sugar diet with the presence of complex carbohydrates can be considered. This will require a significant reduction in the consumption of sweets and ultra-processed foods and an increase in the consumption of fresh food. Such a situation will fall within the theory of something in between and will be beneficial for the body’s function.

Consuming sugar: A low-recommended nutrient

As we have discovered, sugar is a nutrient that provides little value to the diet. In fact, most experts advocate the need to reduce the consumption of sedentary people. Even many athletes consider the possibility of avoiding sugar consumption. This can increase metabolic flexibility and performance in the medium term.

What is clear is that reducing sugar intake through diet has a positive impact on health. But does this mean that carbohydrate intake must be stopped completely?

Of course not!

Those with a low glycemic index, ie those that are complex, can be consumed. These are found mainly in tubers and legumes.

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