Different Types Of Wrinkles And Causes Of Them

There are several types of wrinkles, depending on why they are formed. Although they are usually similar, the treatment may vary depending on what created them. Want to learn more? Read this article!
Different types of wrinkles and causes of them

No one wants wrinkles. In fact, not all wrinkles appear due to aging. Various factors are involved. Because of this, it is important to know about different types of wrinkles in order to implement the most effective treatment.

Despite their possible causes, all types of wrinkles look the same on the skin and can be ugly, especially when they appear early. In this article, we will classify wrinkles according to the factors related to their appearance.

Read on to learn more!

What are wrinkles?

Wrinkles are folds in the skin that develop with constant contraction of the facial muscles. Aging allows them to appear even more due to the changes that occur in the skin layers.

The epidermis becomes thinner and the elasticity and collagen decreases, which gives moisture and firmness. The deepest layer of the skin (hypodermis) loses the amount of adipose tissue over time.

A woman looking in the mirror.
Wrinkles are the most obvious sign of aging. Among other things, they can appear due to bad habits and sun exposure.

Different types of wrinkles

Clinically, wrinkles can be deep or superficial. The latter disappear when the skin is stretched, which separates them from the deep ones, which do not move when you try to stretch the skin. They are all expressed in the same way, but they vary in the way they occur.

Let’s look at the main types of wrinkles below.

Static wrinkles

These are formed because collagen, tissue and elasticity naturally lose volume. You do not need to make facial expressions to see them, as they are already marked on the skin thanks to the same repeated movements of the facial muscles.

Different types of wrinkles: Dynamic wrinkles

These are expression wrinkles. We create these by frowning, whining and smiling. They are therefore caused by muscle activity. They tend to appear from the age of 30, when someone uses preventative treatment using botulinum toxin.

The most popular dynamic wrinkles are:

  • “Crow’s toes” that are noticeable when you smile or even when your face rests
  • The horizontal wrinkles on the forehead
  • The verticals that come from frowning

Wrinkles due to gravity

Wrinkles caused by gravity appear as a result of the aging process. They are usually noticeable around the age of 40. Aging manifests itself as a reduction in adipose tissue, vascular degeneration and bone atrophy.

These are characterized by several factors:

  • Dehydration is intensified.
  • The skin becomes more rough and dry.
  • Dermis loses light and tone.

Over time, the face ages even more due to the reduction in elastin and collagen in the skin. Wrinkles of expression intensify and the skin falls due to gravity. Similarly, the loss of the fat layer highlights certain bone areas in the face and highlights signs of aging.

The most common of these are seen at:

  • Throat
  • The sides of the chin
  • In front of your ears
A woman's neck.
Wrinkles caused by gravity occur due to aging of the skin. They often occur from the age of 40.

Different types of wrinkles: Mixed wrinkles

These occur due to several factors, such as aging, excess sun exposure, gravity and facial movements. These are the grooves that run from the corners of the mouth to the sides of the base of the nose, and also the vertical wrinkles at the front of the neck.

Sleep wrinkles

Sleep also affects premature aging. They differ from the dynamics of the form. These lines appear vertically on the neckline, face and neck. These usually appear from the age of 30, when the natural production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid in the body decreases.

Richard Glogau’s classification for different types of wrinkles

There is another system for distinguishing between different types of wrinkles. It is elaborated by skin expert Richard Glogau. It places wrinkles in four categories according to the degree of photoaging of the skin.

  • TYPE I: No wrinkles : This is often found in patients between 20 and 30 years of age, characterized by mild photoaging, moderate pigmentation change, no keratosis and minimal wrinkles. No makeup is needed to cover them.
  • TYPE II: Expression wrinkles : These appear between 30 and 40 years. It is moderate photoaging in which lentigo and keratosis are present (but not visible). Wrinkles of expression appear especially around the eyes when smiling. Sometimes you need makeup to cover them.
  • TYPE III : Resting wrinkles : From 50 to 60 years, these are shown with advanced photoaging, remarkable hyperpigmentation, ruptured blood vessels, visible keratosis and marked wrinkles, even if the face only rests. Makeup does not completely cover them.
  • TYPE IV: Only wrinkles : In people over 60, these appear with severe photoaging, yellow-gray skin color, premalignant lesions and wrinkles all over the face. You can not apply makeup if you have these because it will crack and become ugly.

Do not forget about different types of wrinkles

Not all types of wrinkles appear due to aging. Some appear much earlier, either due to unprotected exposure to the sun or due to facial expressions. Adopting healthy eating habits and a beauty routine is crucial to slowing down their appearance.

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