Advice For Cleaner Lungs

Advice for cleaner lungs

Exercises such as yoga, meditation and Tai Chi teach us to breathe with other parts of the body, such as the abdomen, diaphragm or chest, and can give us cleaner lungs.

We will give some valuable tips to those who smoke, have repeated problems with the lungs or simply want cleaner lungs to breathe easier, which are both simple and natural.

If you learn to breathe properly, improve the air in your house and get rid of mucus in your chest, you will quickly see results.

Steam bath for cleaner lungs

Do you know what a steam room is? It is to take deep breaths over a steam bath with medicinal plants that are good for the lungs. This is an excellent way to treat respiratory diseases in children, and helps to give you cleaner lungs, especially in those who smoke.

How do I make a steam bath?

  • Boil 2 liters of water with medicinal herbs such as thyme, rosemary, eucalyptus, chamomile, oregano and pine needles.
  • When this has boiled for 5-10 minutes, the steam will give off aroma.
  • Set the pot aside and cover your head with a towel. Then lean over the pot, but make sure you do not burn yourself on the steam.
  • Inhale deeply through your mouth and nose. You can alternatively consider one nostril at a time.

Get rid of mucus

It is not uncommon to wake up in the morning with clogged mucous membranes, which can sometimes lead to clogged airways. To avoid this, you can follow two simple tips:

Rinse your nose with a rinsing jug, especially if you always have mucus in your nose.

Be aware that certain types of food can form mucus and should be eliminated from your diet until you are better.  Here are the products you should avoid:

  • Milk and milk products, especially cow’s milk. Replace these with plant-based dairy products.
  • Flour and foods containing flour. You can still eat bread, but preferably of the flour-free type.

Learn to breathe properly

Since we are talking about breathing, it is worth mentioning that we often do not breathe properly, because we actually forget to do it! We breathe just enough to survive, which not only affects the lungs, which have become accustomed to working on undercapacity, but also the fact that it is more difficult to distribute oxygen to the whole body.

How can I learn to breathe properly?

The most effective way is through exercises such as yoga, meditation or tai chi, which focus on breathing and which teach us to breathe with the body, through the abdomen, diaphragm and chest.

Breathe better at night

We sleep an average of 8 hours a day, which is one third of the day. Therefore, it is  important that our bedroom is filled with clean and fresh air.

How do we do this?

  • Make sure you ventilate the house every day, and feel free to leave a window open at night.
  • If you can not ventilate the house properly, you should at least make sure to leave the bedroom door ajar.
  • Have plants in the bedroom that make oxygen, such as e.g. gold vine. One or two of these help to renew the air we breathe.
  • Avoid moisture and odors in the house. Use an air dryer and electric air fresheners.
Good indoor climate for cleaner lungs

Do not be sad

It can be helpful for those suffering from chronic respiratory diseases to know that there is a psychosomatic link between these diseases and being sad.

Thus, the treatment must take the emotions into account, which can be helped with homeopathic remedies such as bach flowers or in collaboration with a psychotherapist.

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