7 Healthy Foods You Can And Should Eat Every Day

They are nutritious, they are delicious, most are essential ingredients in the kitchen, and above all they are healthy. If you get used to eating these foods daily, your body will thank you!
7 healthy foods you can and should eat every day

Are you looking for more reasons to eat healthy foods?

Food is one of the most important factors when it comes to physical and mental health. After all, healthy foods are how you get the nutrients your body needs, to be able to work and avoid developing diseases.

Today, the quality of the diet is significantly reduced. This is due to the increased amounts of processed foods sold as a quick and good alternative, to satisfy hunger.

As a result, the number of people with obesity has increased at an alarming rate. In addition, there are more and more cases of people diagnosed with cardiovascular disease.

Fortunately, anyone can change their diet to make it healthier and more suitable for their body’s needs.

Because of this, today we want to recommend seven wonderful healthy foods. They will help protect your health and assist with weight control.

Find out what they are!

1. Whole grains

Healthy foods for everyday

Instead of choosing flour and other refined foods, it pays to start consuming whole grains.

This grain has a high fiber content, a nutrient that improves digestion, while helping to regulate your cholesterol levels.

It also contains folic acid and antioxidants, which have been linked to the prevention of colon cancer.

2. Cold water fish

Most fish types have important nutritional qualities, but the type that stands out is cold-water fish.

The high content of omega-3 fatty acids in this variety has made it one of the most important healthy foods for maintaining good cardiovascular health.

The same active substances give them anti-inflammatory properties, which have been shown to be effective in controlling disorders such as arthritis and osteoarthritis.

3. Olive oil

Olive oil and healthy foods

Olive oil is an important ingredient in the Mediterranean diet, and is a healthy type of fat. Thanks to oleic acid and hydroxy tyrosol, it has the potential to improve your cholesterol levels.

Antioxidants in olive oil prevent oxidation of lipids inside the arteries, which reduces the risk of them solidifying or developing blockages.

In addition, this oil is an excellent ally for the health of your skin, because it reduces cellular damage and prevents signs of premature aging.

4. Green tea

This popular drink, which became known for its slimming qualities, is now known to be one of the best options for disease prevention.

Green tea stimulates the detoxification of your liver and helps protect cells from developing serious conditions, such as cancer.

It also lowers cholesterol levels and cleanses the blood to remove toxins from cigarette smoke and environmental toxins.

5. Onions and garlic

Onions and other healthy foods

These two healthy foods go hand in hand because they have very similar medicinal qualities and are equally effective in your body.

Their main resource is their sulfur compounds, which reduce blood pressure, cholesterol levels and metabolic disorders.

It has also been discovered that they work preventively against cancer. They  are able to protect the cells against lung, skin and colon cancer.

Both are powerful cleansers for your body and are able to eliminate pathogens without damaging your delicate bacterial flora.

6. Avocado

It is no surprise that avocados have become one of the favorites when it comes to healthy foods in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.

This green fruit is a rich source of essential fatty acids, which promote good cholesterol and the removal of triglycerides.

Avocados contain vitamins C and E, antioxidants that  reduce cellular damage and prevent aging. They also provide potassium and magnesium, two essential minerals to protect the liver, kidneys and heart.

7. Green leafy vegetables – suitable for all healthy foods

Salad and other healthy foods

For a more balanced and healthy diet, is there really a better choice you can make than start including more nutritious green vegetables in your meals?

Their high antioxidant content prevents damage from heavy metals, and creates a protective barrier to prevent serious diseases.

When you eat them raw, you get a large amount of flavonoids and carotenoids, which prevent premature aging of the body’s major organs, including the skin.

Thanks to their high fiber content, they improve digestion, reduce food cravings and are suitable for people with type 2 diabetes.

Some of these vegetables include:

  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Cabbage
  • Spinach
  • Leaf beet
  • Celery
  • Parsley

Do you want to improve your diet? Do not hesitate to start adding these foods to your daily meal plans, through various recipes. In a short time you will feel that your body is getting stronger, and you will also notice some changes in terms of your figure and weight.

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