The Mirror Syndrome – Do You Know What It Is?

The habit of looking at and analyzing ourselves in front of the mirror reflects our urge to learn about the body and to analyze any “faults” or “deficiencies” before others discover them.
Mirror Syndrome - Do You Know What It Is?

The thoughts and feelings that arise when we look in the mirror can affect the way we relate to others, and also the way we relate to ourselves. The so-called “mirror syndrome” is more common than we might think.

The habit of looking at and analyzing ourselves in front of the mirror reflects our urge to learn about the body and to analyze any “faults” or “deficiencies” before others discover them.

What is the mirror syndrome?

The mirror syndrome refers to an obsession with our own reflection. A tendency to distort it in our heads until we see something wrong. Or aggravate the ones we are already convinced we have. It can be said that this object we have both in the bedroom, in the bathroom and elsewhere in the house, is the mediator in a relationship.

In most cases, the relationship composed of a “person and their self-image” is quite different. It can turn into an unhealthy relationship full of problems, suffering, difficulties, worries, quarrels, etc.

Just like what happens when you live with someone, we must learn to live with our own body. This applies first and foremost to what we see in the mirror. This is in fact nothing more than a projection we create of ourselves.

“Mirror, mirror on the wall there… who is the most beautiful of them all?” said the evil queen in the story of Snow White. She did the impossible, so she would always be able to see herself as young and beautiful.

In reality, we have neither magic arts nor magic wands that can make us happy, nor does the source of youth exist. It is therefore incredibly important to have the ability to love ourselves just as we are, and above all, to accept ourselves regardless of age, weight, wrinkles, or size.

The mirror syndrome becomes a pathological tendency when it originates from cases of bulimia and anorexia, two disorders that are very common in adolescents and above all in women. It does not matter how slim they become, these girls (and some boys too) always see themselves as fat and ugly, a product of a distortion on a cognitive level.

Woman looking in the mirror

How can you overcome the mirror syndrome?

The first thing you need to do is set aside  prejudices and comparisons. We are not better or worse than others, just different.

Thicker, thinner, taller, lower, prettier, uglier… These are just arbitrary assessments. Fashion is constantly changing and so are beauty ideals. If you are in doubt, you can take a look at the pictures from three centuries ago.

We are all beautiful in our own way, we are unique and irreplaceable, the most beautiful beings in all of creation. This does not mean that we should become narcissistic and admire our own reflection all the time, thinking that we are more important and beautiful than anything and everyone else, but we should rather learn to love ourselves and accept ourselves as we really are.

It is important to start laughing a little at ourselves, at our mistakes, and at what we do not like about ourselves. A little humor will make life easier and will improve the relationship we have with our body and also with those around us.

It is also essential to become our own best friend and mentor. What does this mean? That we do not prejudge the image we see in the mirror. If you are in a good mood, are happy and satisfied, is the size of your hips, stomach or nose really that important?

Do not forget this

As an important measure, we should love ourselves so that we can love others and they can love us. If we do not respect ourselves, no one else will.

The only person you are allowed to compare yourself with is yourself, and no one else. You should only work and improve every single day. To be able to become a better person and develop new skills. You can analyze how you were yesterday and how you are now, but do not criticize, to find out how you should act further to continue to develop.

Our body is only a reflection of our inner state. Beyond what has to do with our health, we should not worry about what our body looks like. You will probably have a different opinion than what the picture in the mirror shows. You will also notice a big difference if you look at yourself one day when you are sad and compare this to another where you feel happy.

The moment we choose to accept ourselves just as we are, we manage to start laughing at ourselves and our mistakes, without caring about what our mirror image shows; it is this moment that we have become a truly balanced and happy human being.

When we laugh at ourselves, we will also be able to do this with others.

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