Learn How To Make A Nutritious And Delicious Chocolate Spread

Although you can find different options at the supermarket, you can make sure that you do not include additives, and that your ingredients are of the best quality, if you make your own chocolate spread.
Learn how to make a nutritious and delicious chocolate spread

Delicious chocolate spread is something that both children and adults like. It is just as good for  breakfast as it is for a snack or dessert. But the high sugar content and unhealthy fat means that it is not good for the body.

In this article, we will therefore give you a recipe for making a chocolate spread with natural ingredients that are nutritious and healthy. Also, it tastes much better than any regular topping.

A healthy and delicious chocolate spread?

Healthy chocolate spread

Although they sometimes try to sell chocolate as a healthy food, this product contains a high percentage of sugar and unhealthy fats. This fat comes from low quality vegetable oils.

These ingredients cause imbalances in the body that can increase cholesterol levels, sugar and triglycerides in the blood. In addition, this can lead to weight gain and dental problems.

Below we will replace the unhealthy ingredients with some that are better for us, so that they do not give a negative effect, but are also rich in nutrients.

Sugar options

Sugar, especially the white refined type, has no nutritional value. In addition, it acidifies and decalcifies our body. These are the reasons why we should find other types of natural sweeteners for our recipes.

  • Stevia: Has no calories and is very healthy. It also regulates the sugar in the blood.
  • Honey: Although rich in calories, it is an excellent sweetener with medicinal properties.
  • Other sweeteners: Whole sugar cane, agave syrup, maple syrup, panela and molasses are other options.

Healthy fats

Recipes for chocolate spread

If we choose healthy fats in the diet, we do not put on weight , and we activate the metabolism to lose weight more easily.

You can find healthy fats in coconut oil and in dried fruit. These types of fats make the homemade topping creamy and give it moisture. It is converted into a food that is filled with both energy and nutrients.

This chocolate spread is sugar and lactose free. It also does not contain additives or other ingredients that are not needed.

Thanks to the content of chocolate and roasted hazelnuts, it gives us both energy and vitality.


  • 5 tablespoons extra virgin coconut oil (75 g)
  • 3 tablespoons roasted hazelnuts, very finely ground (21 g)
  • 5 tablespoons pure cocoa in powder form (50 g)
  • 3 tablespoons purified, liquid stevia, without taste (30 ml)
  • A few drops of vanilla extract

Note: The ingredients in this recipe for healthy and delicious chocolate spread are adjustable. You can change them according to your taste. If you want it to be thinner or more creamy, you can add more oil. If you want it to be thicker, you can add more cocoa powder or hazelnuts.


  • If you do not have ground hazelnuts, you can grind them yourself with a grinder or food processor. You can grind them for a few minutes to get a consistency that is spreadable.
  • If the temperature is below 23 degrees, heat the coconut oil a little in a water bath so that it does not solidify.
  • Put the hazelnuts in a large enough container with the coconut oil and the rest of the ingredients. Mix them well together into a cream.
  • Now you have a delicious chocolate spread!


Variants of chocolate spreads

In addition, you can make your own twist on the recipe by making some small changes.

  • If you want to give it a more spicy taste, you can add spices such as cinnamon, ginger or cayenne pepper.
  • To get a spreadable but crunchy texture, cut the hazelnuts into small pieces instead of grinding them.
  • Replace the coconut oil with a ripe banana or avocado.
  • If you want a two-tone topping, make some of it without cocoa, and just use the rest of the ingredients. This way you get a topping with both brown and white color.
  • If it is too strong, you can add cream of coconut or other vegetables.
  • You can also store the spread in small portions in the fridge or freezer in an ice cube tin. It’s the best way to make small pieces of candy!
  • If you mix it with a little coconut cream, it is excellent as a filling in crepes, or all kinds of other sweets, ice creams or desserts.

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