Strategies For Promoting Healthy Habits In Teens

Healthy habits in adolescence are the key to being able to cope with the physical and emotional changes at this stage. Is there anything parents can do to help? Keep reading to find the answer.
Strategies to promote healthy habits in teens

Healthy habits in teens are important. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines adolescence as the phase a person aged 10 to 19 is in. As you can imagine, this stage has many physical and psychological transformations that presuppose a person’s perception of themselves.

In addition, the construction of their identity is at its peak, so parents must have some strategies for how to do it and instill it in their children.

Teenagers are no longer children, but they are not adults either. This is why parents need to pay attention to give them the tools they need to mature.

Let’s take a look at some strategies.

Strategies to promote healthy habits in teens

There are three stages in adolescence: the early, middle and late stages. Growth is a key factor to consider in each of these. Thus, teenagers must adopt healthy routines in order to develop properly.

So, what should they pay attention to?

Take care of the personality they shape

Every moment in adolescence has emotional qualities that will reflect their personality.

It is essential that parents are aware of this because it is a way to channel their children’s preferences towards activities they really enjoy, and thus promote their well-being.

Plan meals

Nutrition is without a doubt a key factor in all phases of adolescence. This is because a proper diet is a crucial factor for both their physical and mental growth and health.

Thus, they should plan their meals in advance and, if possible, consult a nutritionist.

Promote leisure activities

Recreation and sports are both just as important supplements to health as food. Participating in fun activities with teens will allow for the consolidation of emotional bonds.

Also, making them a habit will encourage their future understanding of positive family memories.

Two women lying.
Adolescence is a time of many changes, so parental support is important.

What healthy habits can be encouraged among teens?

It is difficult to encourage healthy habits in teenagers because they are often unruly. However, there are some strategies that can help facilitate this process. Let’s see what they are so you can practice them.

1. Healthy eating habits

Eating junk food in teenagers is a topic that is under constant scrutiny. Unfortunately, few people are used to eating fruits and vegetables daily, although these are essential for strengthening the body’s immune system.

Follow these recommendations if you have teenagers at home:

  • Find out what your favorite fruits are and keep them visible at all times. That way, they will always be present when it’s time for a bite to eat. Fruit is a good ally because it can quickly satisfy the need to eat something sweet.
  • Make sure they never skip breakfast. This first meal of the day is the key to getting energy and nutrients. It can do wonders for everyone’s health as long as they eat high quality food. Unfortunately, teens often overlook it and replace it with junk products.
  • Nuts and seeds are very nutritious and thus a great supplement to a teenager’s diet. In addition, they are easy to store and carry in your backpack for later consumption.
  • Promote the intake of water and healthy drinks. Make sure they always have a bottle available. At the same time, you need to keep industrially sweetened beverages and soft drinks outside the house. This is because they are the cause of serious health problems – such as diabetes.

2. Healthy habits in teens: Emotional stability

Body changes in adolescence can lead to all sorts of insecurities that often manifest as stress, anxiety and mood swings.

To avoid these emotional states, try to include them in activities and conversations that allow them to feel good about themselves. It is also important to let them enjoy their free time with their friends.

3. Sports and physical activity

There are many ways to be physically active, so it is not difficult to choose an option that suits them. This is one of the most important habits to encourage among teenagers. This is because it is a crucial factor for their health in the medium and long term.

Here are some simple activities they can enjoy:

  • To walk or jog
  • Sports such as football, basketball, volleyball, etc.
  • Exercise routines at home
  • Bike rides
  • To go to a gym
A woman who runs.
Encouraging young people to be physically active is the key to their overall health.

4. Healthy habits in teens: Social life

Teenagers practice many of the values ​​and habits they learn at home and begin to make their own decisions when communicating with other young people. Thus, they must be allowed to interact with their friends and have a social life in general.

In this way, they largely learn to be independent of their parents.

5. Get enough sleep

Proper rest is another factor you need to encourage in teens. This is because doing it right will help your brain process the activities related to the development of your knowledge.

Thus, try to give them their own comfortable space at home. A place where they can sleep, take a nap and do other activities that require silence and concentration.

Promoting healthy habits in teens is the responsibility of parents

You need to be a good example to instill healthy habits in teens. This is why the whole family needs to be physically active, eat well and participate in activities that contribute to everyone’s physical and mental well-being.

Finally, make sure you offer the necessary places and conditions for young people to have a healthy lifestyle. Remember that support and guidance are fundamental at this stage.

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