Drinking Beetroot Juice: Unknown Benefits

Beetroot juice helps fight the effects of free radicals that cause premature aging and improve your physical performance – which is why it is highly recommended for athletes.
Drinking beetroot juice: Unknown benefits

You’ve probably had this vegetable in salads, and usually cooked it, but you’ve probably never thought about how good and nutritious it can be when used raw in a smoothie. In today’s article we will tell you some things we bet you do not already know about the benefits of drinking beetroot juice. Prepare to be surprised!

What do beets contain?

When beets are cooked, they lose some of their most important nutrients (as is the case with most foods). But when you eat them raw, in beetroot juice or in a smoothie, you can enjoy extra:

  • Vitamins A, B and C.
  • Folic acid
  • Antioxidants such as flavonoids and carotenoids
  • Amino acids
  • Minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus and sodium
  • Soluble and insoluble fiber
  • Water
  • Carbohydrates
  • Natural sugar
benefits of drinking beetroot juice

What are the main benefits of drinking beetroot juice?

Check out the many benefits beetroot juice or a smoothie made with beets can have:

Reduces heart problems

Because they are good at reducing inflammation, beets are recommended for people who have heart disease or may be at risk.

Fights free radicals

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Beets contain beta lain and lospoliphenols. These are antioxidants that neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals. When you accumulate too many of these compounds in your body, it can lead to premature cellular aging and promote the development of diseases such as cancer.

Fights cancer

Related to our previous point, drinking beetroot juice can also help fight the growth of malignant tissue that can become cancerous, so it is wise to use beetroot juice in your diet as a preventative measure.

Several studies have shown that beets can also minimize the formation of tumors, especially in the pancreas, breast and prostate.

Increases sports performance

Many athletes drink this dark red juice before competitions because it improves lung capacity. Studies suggest that you can see an improvement of up to 16% in performance by drinking beetroot juice before training or a competition.

Balances blood pressure

Drinking two glasses of beetroot juice a day is a good idea for people with high blood pressure because it contributes to lower levels. The nitrate content of this vegetable is responsible for this effect.

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Improves digestion

Beetroot juice helps you digest certain foods, reduces a “heavy” feeling in the stomach and improves digestion in general. As if that were not enough, beets stimulate the appetite of people who are bedridden.

Improves thyroid function

Gout is associated with low levels of iodine (which is surprisingly common in developed countries). Eating foods that provide this important mineral, such as beets, can reduce or eliminate this problem. Beetroot and garlic are other natural sources of iodine.

Slows down the aging process

We are talking not only about the skin here, but also internal organs and the body in general. Beetroot juice contributes to a healthy brain. It also helps you recover faster from injuries and slows down the formation of early wrinkles.

Prevents inflammation

Beets contain an important nutrient called betaine that fights stress and related inflammation. It also protects your organs from disease, and promotes recovery after an injury or surgery.

Treats anemia

This effect is due to the content of folic acid and iron.

to drink beetroot juice

Prevents fluid retention

Beetroot juice is recommended for people who have edema or fluid retention in the legs. This is because it contains large amounts of potassium and sodium, while also having a diuretic effect. Beetroot juice should be consumed by people suffering from:

  • Arthritis
  • Hyperuricemia
  • Kidney stones (unless they were formed from excess calcium oxalate)
  • Oliguri

Beetroot juice increases the production of urine, and helps you eliminate excess fluid and harmful waste products such as uric acid.

Promotes detox

This juice stimulates the proper functioning of the kidneys, liver and intestines, and helps the body remove waste and toxins faster and more efficiently.

Weight loss

Beets have low calories and satiate at the same time. You can add grated beets in salads to increase the fiber content and avoid constipation or obesity.

Improves pre-natal health

The high content of folic acid is excellent for pregnant mothers and the fetus. Beets will ensure good development during the first weeks of pregnancy.

After giving birth, you should continue to eat beets to reduce the risk of certain infections. As the baby grows, it is recommended that they consume beets to prevent vitamin deficiency and promote healthy development.

beetroot juice

How to make juice from beets, carrots and apples

Now that you know what this unique and delicious vegetable is all about, it’s time to learn how to turn it into a juice! We will give you a good recipe that combines two other superfood ingredients.

For many years, the Chinese have used this “miracle drink” to prevent and treat a variety of ailments.

The main properties of this juice include:

  • Improving the immune system
  • Eliminate free radicals
  • Slow down the growth of cancer cells
  • Cleansing the body


  • 1 beetroot
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 apple
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 lemon (optional)


  • Wash all ingredients and peel them.
  • Chop them into small pieces.
  • Put everything in a blender together with lemon juice (optional).
  • Mix everything well together.
  • Add a few ice cubes if you prefer to drink this drink chilled.
  • Drink this twice a day: first in the morning on an empty stomach, and later during the day as a snack.

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