Get Rid Of The Whales On The Back With Simple Exercises

To avoid injury, it is important that you do not push more than you can handle. Be consistent with the exercises, and you will soon see the results.
Get rid of the whales on your back with simple exercises

In the fight against fat and whales, we often concentrate on areas such as the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and arms. Of course, these are places where the fat is most visible, but it can also be nice to get rid of the whales on the back.

The back is an area most people ignore, at the same time it is a place that is difficult to work with.

Just below the bra there is an area of ​​fat, which makes us look dented. Fortunately, these whales can be eliminated so that we can regain our natural appearance and go with the tight-fitting dresses we dream of.

If you are ready to get rid of these walruses on your back, you should get these excellent exercises. Include them in your daily routine, so that you get the best possible result in the shortest possible time.

Exercises to get rid of the whales on your back


Push-ups or push-ups are one of the most common exercises in most exercise programs. Push-ups are a fantastic exercise for the arms and to get rid of the whales on the back. It is important to perform the exercise correctly. Keep your body in a straight, straight line from head to toe.

The side plank

Lay the yoga mat on the floor and lean on your left side so that your elbow is just below your shoulder. Once in place, lift your hips off the floor and tighten your abdominal muscles. Keep your body straight. Try to hold this position for 30-45 seconds on each side, before taking a rest.

Exercise ball

Lie face down on an exercise ball. The chest should be in the middle of the ball. Let your fingers point to the floor, and keep your feet together on the floor. Let your arms hang loose and try to keep your balance. Lift your arms slowly and form a “Y” with your body. Hold the position for 15 seconds. Do two sets of 12 repetitions in each.

Feel free to read: 13 activities to do with an exercise ball


Stand in a place where you have some space. Take a manual of 3-6 kilos. Stand with your legs hip-width apart. The knees should be bent. Lean your upper body slightly forward so that it is parallel to the floor. Holding the manual in front, keep your hips against the wall for better balance. Lift the manual up to your shoulders. Repeat 10-15 times.

Side lift

hip lift

Place your feet hip-width apart and hold a manual in each hand. Bend your knees and lower your upper body so that you get an angle of 45 degrees.

Hold both manuals parallel to the floor and lift them to the sides. Hold the manuals at shoulder height and lower them slowly. Do two sets of 12 repetitions in each.

Downward dog pose

This yoga exercise trains the whole body, especially the muscles in the back, including the upper part. Find a place where you have enough space to stretch out. Kneel on the floor and place your hands in front of you, palms down.

Push off with your heels and keep your arms aligned with your body. If you are flexible enough, you can place your heels flat on the floor. Hold the position for 15-30 seconds. Feel free to watch a video or photo that demonstrates how to do this.

Do not miss: 6 exceptional yoga poses to lose weight

Cardiovascular exercise

cardiovascular training

All good training routines should include a cardiovascular exercise, which complements strength training. This type of exercise is an excellent fat burner,  and it reduces the whales on the back.

To achieve a visible result, you only need to exercise 30 minutes every day. Try walking, jogging, running, jumping rope, doing yoga, cycling, using an elliptical machine, swimming or taking an aerobics class.

As you can increase the intensity of your training, you will get better and bigger results. If you make a proper effort, eventually the whales on your back will be completely gone.

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