7 Key Points For Resilience: Courage Comes From Within

Resilience is your ability to overcome difficult times, to leave your emotional wounds, and to look to the future. It is an ability that everyone has, and one that you can develop
7 key points for resilience: Courage comes from within

Although resilience is a concept that is deeply rooted in motivational psychology, the word has its origins in physics.

When a material loses its shape due to a shock or a chemical reaction and is able to return to its original shape without breaking or cracking, this is a clear example of resistance.

This physical property was taken up by psychologists to refer to the fact that humans can also perform this daring action: we can face adversity, overcome it, and even come out of it stronger in the end.

In today’s article, we invite you to discover seven ways you can implement this therapeutic and healing mechanism.

Believe it or not, but thanks to the fact that we are living organisms, we are biologically prepared to “survive” certain things, and our brain can guide us through the process. It is a form of rebirth that allows us to get through those moments of darkness and face tomorrow with new hope.

Key points to build your resilience

Today, the term resilience is used in many fields and disciplines. At the group level, for example, it is useful for confronting moments of crisis or difficulty, and each team member should be able to analyze the situation and implement new strategies to move forward.

Sometimes, during times of crisis, the best opportunities allow you to emerge stronger. This is something that you can consider on a personal and even emotional level. Let’s see what factors can help you with this.

Connect with your environment


When you are going through a difficult time, it is easy to have the feeling that the world is suddenly out of tune; everyone else goes in one direction while you have no choice but to go the other.

You need to stop and feel that you are not alone. Be brave enough to make contact with others. Rely on good friends, family and people who really know how to listen and who are able to offer you help.

Accepting help from your surroundings allows you to grow stronger, feel more secure, make new decisions, and regain hope.

2. Remember that severe pain does not last forever: you want to breathe again

No one can change what has happened in the past. Facts are as they are and you have every right to feel angry, sad, rejected…

But you must remember that these complex, disturbing situations will not last forever. The pain is not eternal, and every day things will get better. You have to let yourself “float” with life itself. There will be difficult moments, moments of opportunity, and moments when you feel true happiness.

Change is a part of life

This is related to something we have mentioned before: life flows like a river that is in constant motion, and this means that change is inevitable, but holding on to pain is optional. Let it go, do not fall into this trap.

Adversity should open the door to your innate ability to adapt, which is firmly wired into all our brains. Sharpen your emotions as you search for new hope, accept everything that has happened and gradually let yourself move again, let the passing of each day invite you to look towards the horizon.

4. Set new goals

There is no going back. What has happened has happened, and you cannot change it. The only option now is to accept it and move on. The first thing you should do is deal with the fact that adversity is setting a goal – suggest something simple that is within reach and aim for it.

Later you can set more complicated, ambitious goals, but start by searching for the simplest, most therapeutic goals: to go for a walk, meet new friends, take a walk, enjoy the little things in life…

5. Cultivate a positive self-image


You know what you look like when you suffer, are filled with grief, affected by failure, damaged by absence, or burdened by disappointment. It’s a familiar image. Now you need to create a new one.

Developing your self-confidence is the most important thing right now, because that’s the way you will be able to handle daily life, solve problems, and trust your gut feeling. This is how you build your resilience.

6. Have a perspective on things

Although you have to confront very painful events, you have to have control and perspective. If you feel left out, it does not mean that you have no right to be happy again.

If you have lost someone, do not fall into the depths of despair where you refuse to smile or enjoy life. Having perspective will heal your heart.

7. Take care of yourself

You have friends, family and people who love you and who are there to help you every day. But the person who really should take care of you is yourself. Never lose sight of the fact that you deserve to be happy again, and do not hesitate to do things to improve your physical and emotional health. Take a walk, improve your diet, let go of your feelings through projects, plans, dreams… never stop thinking about the future.

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