The Benefits Of Eating Quinoa With Apple And Cinnamon For Breakfast

This meal will give you energy. But more importantly, this blend of quinoa, apples and cinnamon will keep you full all morning.
The benefits of eating quinoa with apple and cinnamon for breakfast

Eating quinoa with apple and cinnamon in the morning is a real treat. You will both enjoy eating it and enjoy the benefits it gives you.

To be honest, it’s surprising how many ways quinoa can be cooked. It is both grainy and very good when it comes to taking care of your health. And one of the most important things: it has hardly any calories.

That said, in this article we will talk a little more about quinoa. From today we suggest that you eat a breakfast of quinoa with apple and cinnamon. You will love it. Also, after a few weeks you will notice some major changes.

Let’s take a look at why.

The benefits of eating quinoa with apple and cinnamon

What do you usually eat for breakfast? Are you the type of person who leaves the house with a coffee and a biscuit? If so, it’s time to change your routine.

We’m sure you already know this, but we want to say it again: breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A statistical survey from 2005 also shows that 2 out of 10 Norwegians do not eat breakfast every day. In the United States, the corresponding figures are 56%.

We need to start the day with a good amount of energy. And it’s easy to do. All we need to do is include protein and unsaturated fats in breakfast. Also, it is the time of day when the brain needs the most amount of energy. Think about it. This is a good, healthy alternative. Be sure to take a look at how you can make it yourself.

Quinoa at breakfast

quinoa benefits

Quinoa is one of the most popular foods in the world. First, it does not contain gluten. Secondly, it gives us a large number of proteins. Third, it is one of the few vegetable sources of the nine essential amino acids.

  • It is also rich in fiber, magnesium, B-complex vitamins, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin E, and several antioxidants that are very beneficial.
  • This can be one of the best breakfast foods. This is especially true if we carefully choose the foods we combine it with.
  • In every 100 grams of quinoa, there are 27 grams of fiber. If you are battling constipation, this is a good food to eat.
  • Also , quinoa is good for losing weight. This is especially true if we combine it with apples and cinnamon. The reason is because it controls our blood sugar levels. And little by little, it helps us get rid of our annoying belly fat.

Apples, perfect for starting the day

By eating quinoa with apples, you take care of your heart. You can choose any color or type of apple you want. They help prevent atherosclerosis. Also, by eating this breakfast, we can prevent some other diseases. One is diabetes and the other is cerebral hemorrhage. In addition, by controlling our blood sugar levels we will have more energy.

If you are the type of person who finds a simple breakfast boring, you will love this one. This is also a good breakfast for everyone. After all, apples are one of the best foods for a healthy breakfast.

Cinnamon, the essence of health


Are you struggling with cholesterol? Do you have high blood sugar? If so, try eating quinoa, apples and a pinch of cinnamon.

A good reason to eat this food is that it helps control our digestion. Eating this for breakfast helps us stay right up until lunch. And, it can also help fight premature aging. We should also remember that cinnamon brings a great deal of flavor to our meals.

How to cook a lunch with quinoa, apple and cinnamon


As we always say, make sure you look for organic fruits and vegetables. When it comes to quinoa and apple, this is very important. Choosing organic ingredients means that we want to get the most out of what they have to offer.

Here are the ingredients you need:


  • 1100 g cooked quinoa
  • 200 ml with oat milk
  • 1 apple (the variety you prefer)
  • 1 teaspoon (5 g) with cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon (7.5 g) with honey


  • First, prepare the apple. Wash it, peel it, cut it into pieces and take out the seeds.
  • Then run the apple in a blender or food processor.
  • In a bowl, mix lukewarm oat milk with the crushed apple, quinoa, honey and cinnamon.
  • Mix until everything is well blended.
  • If you want a softer texture, you can cut the apple into pieces before running it in the blender. This part depends on what you prefer.

Be sure to try this. You can even consider including this recipe for quinoa with apple and cinnamon for your breakfast twice a week. See how well it makes you feel.

It is delicious!

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