5 Mistakes You Make That Lead To Insomnia

Getting deep sleep improves your quality of life and gives you the energy you need to get through the day. But sometimes it is easy to make mistakes we do not know about, but that make the brain and body eager, and this will prevent you from getting adequate rest at night.
5 Mistakes You Make That Lead To Insomnia

How many times a month do you have trouble sleeping? Is recurrent insomnia a problem in your life? Does your lack of sleep interfere with your normal daily activities? If so, then it’s time to start doing something about it.

Getting deep sleep improves your quality of life and gives you the energy you need to get through the day. But sometimes it is easy to make mistakes we do not know about, but that make the  brain and body eager, and this will prevent you from getting adequate rest at night.

In today’s article, we invite you to learn more about some of the bad habits that can lead to insomnia. Do not miss them!

1. I have to sleep, I have to sleep…


This is a very common phenomenon and it is something you need to keep in mind. We start by giving you a simple example so you will understand what we mean: you come home late from work, and you have made a list of countless things you need to do before the day is over. When you are done with everything, you suddenly realize that it has become very late.

You go to bed and close your eyes as you say to yourself: “ I have to fall asleep right away, otherwise I will not get enough rest to cope with the day tomorrow. Do you know what happens every time you do it? You lie awake for hours.

Your brain must be able to “switch off” and relax for at least two hours before going to bed. Focusing your attention on one thing can increase your stress level. This will prevent you from being able to relax.

What is the solution? Try not to do anything that leads to worries before you go to sleep. Stop doing your homework two hours before going to bed, and then read a good book to distract your mind. Sleep will come naturally.

Irregular schedules can cause insomnia

Worked too much

Your body needs routines and habits to be able to regulate basic needs such as eating and sleep cycles. What does that mean? You can not go to bed at 22:00 today and 02:00 tomorrow. Try to stick to a pattern and a more stable schedule.

Ideally, you will be able to eat dinner two hours before going to bed, giving your body time to digest food. This is also the time when your brain needs to start resting, and at the same time you can make your muscles relax by taking a hot shower. It is always best to go to bed between 10.30 pm and 11 pm, although it does not hurt if you are up a little longer sometimes.

Electronic equipment

cell phone in bed

Everyone does this. Is there any way to avoid it? How can you stop checking emails, keeping an eye on Facebook and Instagram, sending some text messages, or watching a movie or TV series? It is very common. But you should also be aware that the screens of electronic devices overstimulate the brain with electromagnetic waves, so it is important to maintain a balance.

Your TV will not cause as many sleep problems as a cell phone, tablet or computer, for example. Why not? Usually you sit further away from the TV, so the brain will not be as stimulated. Either way, the best way to avoid insomnia is to  turn off all your devices and pick up a book (yes, a book!) Or a magazine.

4. What do you eat in the evening?


Many people come home and are very hungry after a long day at work, and they always choose dinners that take a long time for the stomach to digest. You may think of this as the last part of your day, but what you are actually doing is giving your body an “extra” task it must complete when you really should be sleeping.

Try to make lighter dinners that have some protein, but are also easy to digest and fat-free. Soups, steamed vegetables, fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and tea are always good choices.

Beware of ready-made meals: we all know that these are easy and quick to prepare when you get home and do not feel like cooking, but they usually contain large amounts of preservatives and refined ingredients that make them enemies of your health, and they will only aggravate your insomnia.

5. The worries in your head


Stress and anxiety that build up during the day tend to appear, especially at night, when you go to bed and you are suddenly surrounded by silence. This is when your inner voice comes out to remind you of all your worries. You will notice that you lie thinking about these things for hours when you should be sleeping instead.

Dealing with stress is complicated and not always as easy. But it is important that you set priorities and make sure that your problems do not become the most important thing in your life. Get some steam out, take a deep breath, and go to bed without the clouds in your head. When you close your eyes, all you see will be the shadows behind your eyelids.

Put these tips into practice and eventually you will overcome insomnia.

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