Symptoms, Causes And Treatment Of Menorrhagia

Menorrhagia is not usually caused by anything serious, but if it does occur, you should consult a specialist and they will determine how serious your case is.
Symptoms, causes and treatment of menorrhagia

Menstrual bleeding can vary widely. Not all women bleed with the same intensity, or for the same length of time. Because of this, it is difficult to know when one can suffer from menorrhagia, and when one bleeds too little.

We can find out if there is an excess of fluid, but how do you measure this? The first step is to observe yourself.

It is important to detect changes, as there may be a problem behind them.

But when does the bleeding become menorrhagic? When is it considered a disease? Read on for answers to these questions that usually make people worry.

Symptoms of menorrhagia

Lying lady sticks to her stomach

We talked earlier about excessive bleeding. If you change bandages every hour, you will most likely suffer from this problem. 

Of course, if this continues even at night, you should notice it.

Also, if you suffer from menorrhagia, your period usually lasts more than seven days.

  • As a rule, it can last for up to a week, but if you cross this line, you should start to worry. Especially if you experience the same volume of fluid throughout the period.
  • A menstrual period like this can lead to fatigue and a feeling of suffocation. In fact, it is no wonder that we can find anemia or similar problems  in women suffering from this condition.

Causes of menorrhagia

Lady who looks worried on her stomach

The origin of the condition can be very varied. Therefore, the diagnosis can be complicated as well as the form of treatment.

However, all of the following factors may be important:

  • Hormonal imbalance: Estrogen and progesterone interact to maintain the lining of the uterus. However, if there is an imbalance between the two hormones, the mucous membrane becomes too wide and generates excessive bleeding.
  • Ovarian dysfunction: It may sound strange, but it is possible not to ovulate but still menstruate. Under such circumstances, bleeding and menorrhagia begin to occur.
  • Polyps: They are small benign cysts that either absorb blood or produce it.

Many women who have this problem have stages of menorrhagia, and others experience the opposite. 

In addition to this, menstruation is more painful and women feel more bloated.

  • Uterine fibroids: The name itself indicates that they are benign, although there are tumors found in the uterus. Like polyps, they release a large amount of fluid.
  • Adenomyosis: Here we are talking about the uterine glands sticking into the uterus. They also intensify menstrual pain significantly.
  • Complication with a IUD: Although it is a widely used method of contraception, some women have problems with IUDs.
  • Cancer: This is the most feared cause, but least common. It comes with cancer of the ovaries, uterus or cervix. This alone is a good enough reason to inform the doctor about what is happening.

Treatment of menorrhagia

Doctor and lady who possibly suffer from menorrhagia

Although treatment will depend on the cause, these are the most common treatments:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs: Many women find relief with this simple solution. The most effective are those that consist of mefenamic acid, naproxen, or ibuprofen.
  • Spiral placement: This device serves to release hormones, which is very beneficial for those who can not use the solution mentioned above.
  • Birth control pills: As we have already mentioned, there are women who have problems with IUDs, so they can try birth control pills to regulate the activity of their reproductive system.
  • Tranexamic acid: This works by coagulating the blood so that its expulsion is reduced. When the blood is not as diluted, it does not become as uncomfortable.
  • Surgery: This is recommended for polyps, adhesions and malignant tumors. As long as it is possible, it is the fastest way to get rid of them.

As you can see, despite the fear of menorrhagia, it is usually not caused by anything serious.

It is always best to visit a doctor, identify the problem, and treat it as recommended. Also remember to go to the gynecologist, even if you feel good. 

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