Macrogol For The Treatment Of Chronic Constipation

The use of macrogol for the treatment of chronic constipation is simply an aid in terms of hygienic and dietary measures specified for this condition. It should go hand in hand with changes in a person’s nutrition and exercise habits.
Macrogol for the treatment of chronic constipation

Macrogol is a pharmaceutical laxative that exerts its effect thanks to the osmotic effect it has on the intestine. Below we will tell you more about the use of macrogol for the treatment of chronic constipation.

The mechanism of action produces an increase in fecal volume and stimulates the colon. Given this osmotic effect, the transport of soft stools is improved, which facilitates bowel movements. However, it is best that the administration of macrogol be as short as possible to prevent side effects.

It is important not to look at this drug as a solution. It is simply an aid, given that patients should also make a number of hygienic and dietary changes in their lifestyle. Among these changes we can mention an increased intake of fluids and dietary fiber.

In addition, it is important to note that regular physical exercise and rehabilitation of the person’s bowel habits is also important. Without these changes, the use of macrogol for the treatment of chronic constipation will not get to the root of the problem.

What dose should I take for chronic constipation?

Patients can take macrogol at any time of the day with food and drink or alone. When it comes to precise dosing, it will depend on the severity of the problem.

However, when you start taking macrogol, you should reduce the dose after two days. If the constipation is chronic, the usual dose for adults is one pack three to three times a day. In most cases, one or two packages per day will suffice.

Based on the body’s response and the patient’s individual situation, one can take up to three packs per day. On average, the treatment lasts for two weeks. If the symptoms persist longer than this, consult a doctor.

When it comes to the use of macrogol for the treatment of fecal retention, the dosage is higher. To be more specific, the patient can take up to 8 packs over 6 hours for a maximum of three days. Once you have prepared the solution, you can store it in the refrigerator for up to six hours.

A woman with chronic constipation.
Constipation can be acute or chronic. When it comes to chronic constipation, it means that the patient often experiences difficulty going to the bathroom.

How do I take macrogol?

To prepare macrogol , dissolve the contents of a packet in half a glass of water and drink it immediately. However, it is easier to dissolve all 8 packages in one liter of water by treating fecal retention.

If necessary, you can increase the dose to two packs per day. However, it is best to wait a few days to see if the results are positive before increasing the dosage. The effects of macrogol begin to appear 24 to 48 hours after administration.

What are the side effects of macrogol?

This medicine can cause side effects that are classified according to frequency:

  • Very rare side effects : Anaphylactic reactions, such as difficulty breathing or swelling of the throat and face, are rare. The same applies in case of hypersensitivity in the form of allergic skin reactions.
  • Very common : This type of side effect appears in case of high doses, which can lead to diarrhea. However, they tend to disappear one or two days after stopping macrogol.
  • Frequent reactions : These may include abdominal pain or bloating.

Contraindications and interactions of macrogol

Woman sitting on toilet.
The most common side effect of macrogol is diarrhea with copious fluid stools and abdominal pain.

Among the contraindications of macrogol in the treatment of chronic constipation and fecal retention we find the following:

  • Children under 12 years
  • The presence of a perforation in the intestinal wall
  • Obstruction of the small intestine
  • Inflammatory bowel disease

In addition, macrogol is not recommended in patients who are hypersensitive to the drug or who suffer from ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease or toxic megacolon. When it comes to interacting with other medicines , do not take other medicines one hour before or one hour after taking macrogol.

If you are pregnant or think you may be, you should consult your doctor before starting macrogol. Similarly, you should talk to a specialist before taking macrogol while breastfeeding.

Chronic constipation requires more than just medication

The use of laxatives and the amount you should take varies, among other things, from the severity of the constipation. Experts recommend osmotic drugs thanks to their tolerance and safety. However, if they do not go hand in hand with a change in habits, diet and physical activity, they will be ineffective.

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