How Can You Clean The Iron When It Sticks?

On the base of the iron of metal, residues of synthetic substances settle which can damage the clothes you are ironing. To avoid this, you should know how to maintain the iron.
How can you clean the iron when it sticks?

When the iron starts to stick to the clothes , it is important to check if there is any waste stuck to the iron . Although we often overlook this, we also need to clean the iron to keep it in perfect condition.

Lack of maintenance not only reduces the time of use, but it can also weaken the textiles when we iron our clothes . In addition, synthetic fabrics begin to stick to the lower part of the iron, which often creates dark spots on light-colored clothing.

What is the right way to clean the iron at home? The truth is that there are several methods. Now we are going to share in detail some of the most effective methods , so do not hesitate to try them yourself.

Simple tricks to clean the iron without any problems

The iron is one of the most neglected tools in the home when it comes to cleaning. Although we use it regularly, we almost never take the time to review it and assess whether it needs maintenance.

Therefore, we often feel that it sticks when we iron clothes , and in the worst case, we end up destroying the clothes. Has it happened to you? Then you should check out the tips we have for you today!

1. Lemon juice and baking soda

Lemon juice and baking soda

By combining the versatile lemon juice with a little sodium bicarbonate, we get a powerful cleaner for the iron base of metal. Due to the acid compounds , it removes excess substances on the iron and leaves the surface shiny .


  • The juice of 2 lemons
  • 2 tablespoons baking soda (30 g)


  • Squeeze the juice out of the lemons and mix it with baking soda in a bowl.

Instructions for use:

  • Wait until the effervescent effect passes and rub the mixture on the cold iron.
  • Wait for 5 minutes and remove the residue with a damp cloth.
  • Repeat this procedure at least once a month.

2. Distilled water and clear vinegar

A solution with distilled water and clear vinegar helps to eliminate the dark spots that are formed when cloth remains on this household appliance. Do you have this product at home? Use it as a solution.


  • ½ cup distilled water (125 ml)
  • ½ cup clear vinegar (125 ml)


  • Pour the ingredients into a container and mix them until you get a homogeneous product.

Instructions for use:

  • Dip a clean cloth into the solution and rub over the hot iron.
  • Do this 2 or 3 times a week to keep the item clean.

3. Salt

Cooking salt

Saline is an alternative cleaning product that can be used to clean the iron when it sticks. Due to the texture , it facilitates the elimination of residues of synthetic substances and dirt .


  • 2 tablespoons coarse salt (30 g)
  • A sheet of newsprint


  • Lay out the newsprint and cover it with salt.

Instructions for use:

  • Heat the iron for a few minutes and iron over this surface, as if you were ironing a garment.
  • Repeat this procedure until the surface of the iron is light and without stains.
  • Then let it cool down and wipe over with a soft cloth.

4. Candles

By using candles on the iron, you can easily remove the adhesives that can damage the clothes. The stearin has a smooth texture that softens the waste to leave the appliance in good condition.

Instructions for use:

  • Turn on the iron for a few minutes and rub a candle against it.
  • Let it cool for a few minutes until it is lukewarm, and remove excess with a soft cloth.
  • If stains persist, turn the iron back on and rub with waxed paper.

5. Toothpaste


Did you know that toothpaste can be used to clean the iron? Thanks to the components , it is a perfect remedy for removing stains from burnt fabrics and materials that leave sticky stains .

Instructions for use:

  • Take some toothpaste and apply it on the cold base of the iron.
  • Use a clean cloth to polish the toothpaste.
  • Then activate the steam for a few minutes, before letting the iron rest.
  • Finally, rub over again with the cloth and remove the remnants of the toothpaste.

Do you know of other ways to clean the iron? Share them with us! If you have not yet taken the time to maintain this appliance properly, choose one of the methods above and leave the iron as new.

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