Is It Healthy Or Unhealthy To Eat Eggs?

Is it healthy or unhealthy to eat eggs?

Some people support eating eggs and others are against it, whether it is daily or weekly. Some say that this food has many positive properties for the body, and others say that it is not beneficial to health. Is it healthy or unhealthy to eat eggs? Find out the answer in this article.

Nutritional facts about eggs

Eggs are a food that is full of nutrients and easy to find. They are also an ingredient in many recipes. Many people say eggs are not good for your health because they raise cholesterol levels and fat in the body, which can lead to cardiovascular disease.

Eggs will not only provide you with proteins but also fats (monounsaturated as well as polyunsaturated), vitamins and cholesterol. It is good to keep in mind that it is important to keep your cholesterol level balanced.

It is easy to do a test on what effects it will have in the long run to eat eggs often. There are studies that show that they are positive. But there are others who say the opposite. There is no concrete evidence to support the theory that eating eggs is unhealthy.

Other factors also come into play, and eggs are not “the only culprits”. Other remedies that can change your health are stress, tobacco, a sedentary lifestyle, alcohol, fat, or refined foods. It also has a lot to do with the way you eat eggs. Eating a fried egg every day is not the same as eating a hard-boiled or a soft-boiled egg. Doctors say you should not eat more than four or five eggs a week, depending on your age and family history or habits.

Myths and truths about eggs

Eating eggs raises blood cholesterol levels: Wrong

As we said above, eggs are not able to raise cholesterol by themselves. This is something that happens with animal fats, such as in meat or cold cuts.


You should avoid eating raw eggs: True

The risk of being poisoned by bacteria (salmonella) is reduced and will even be completely eliminated by boiling eggs. You should cook them above 60 ° C.

You must wash them before putting them in the refrigerator: Incorrect

The eggshell is a protective film for what is inside. Therefore, when you wash them, you facilitate the presence and spread of microorganisms in the wrinkled texture. However, we recommend washing them when cooking them with just water.

Colored eggs are better than white: Wrong

Their nutritional properties have nothing to do with the color of the shell. The color varies according to the type of hen that made it, which is why they are white and brown. You can eat any of them.

Children and pregnant women do not need to eat eggs: Wrong

On the contrary. Eggs have large amounts of vitamins and proteins that make them good for the growth of the fetus and young children. This is especially related to the nervous system and the elimination of food allergies, which are manifested during the first years of life. The only thing to remember is that babies cannot eat them until they are 8 months old.


Adults should not eat eggs: Wrong

This is another group that is recommended to eat three eggs a week to be able to increase or prevent the loss of muscle mass. This food also contains a large amount of antioxidants, which help to delay the onset of degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s or atherosclerosis.

Eggs have many calories: Wrong

An egg has only 80 calories and 6 grams of protein if you eat it cooked (not fried). It also has important nutrients such as zinc and iron. The egg’s essential amino acids are of high quality.

Chickens are manipulated to produce more eggs: True

You have to make an exception because this does not happen 100% of the time. The industries that sell huge quantities of eggs perform certain practices that are not always healthy. One of them is the manipulation of light, so that the chickens’ ovulations are accelerated. As a result, they can produce more eggs.

To avoid this, buy eggs on small farms or family-owned stores, where you can be more confident that the production will not harm the chickens or the quality of the egg.


Plum against egg white: Which is better

Many people ask if it is better to eat only the egg yolk or just the egg white. Or both. Well, if you are thinking about the diet or the nutritional side, the answer is egg yolk. Most of the nutrients are found there. Remember that the egg yolk is the ovule of the egg, where the chicken is formed if it has been inseminated and incubated. That is why there are lots of vitamins and proteins there.

But what about the egg white? We did not say that only the egg yolk is good, but rather that it provides more nutrients. You can eat the egg white to get in many amino acids. It will help you develop muscle if that is your goal with exercise. It does not have a lot of fat, which is why we suggest it for people who want to lose weight. It is not a problem to eat egg whites if your triglycerin levels are very high, because it does not have much cholesterol.


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