Intuitive Intelligence: Do You Have It?

Although to some it may seem like a supernatural force, intuitive intelligence is really only based on the knowledge and experiences the subconscious stores.
Intuitive Intelligence: Do You Have It?

For many, having intuitive intelligence does not seem like a gift or a skill, but like something very unscientific or supernatural.

However, it is important to understand that psychologists have been studying intuition for several years.

Books such as “Educating Intuition” by Robin M. Hogarth or “Intuitive Intelligence: Why We Know What We Know” by Malcolm Gladwell provide good examples that emphasize the importance of this dimension.

A person with intuitive intelligence is able to hear the voice of his subconscious to arrive at faster and more useful answers. It is far from being a “magical” art, because it is actually a logical part of your daily life that it is worth developing.

We will give you all the information you need in today’s article.

Intuitive intelligence: Important points for developing it

It is a common misconception that human intuition is limited to the brains of women. This is not entirely true, since both men and women have this ability.

The only difference is that women often listen more closely to their inner voice and their impulses. Women tend to establish a more intimate connection with their subconscious.

One strange fact that you will certainly be interested in, however, is that many men use their intuition without knowing it themselves. According to Daniel Goleman, an expert on emotional intelligence:

  • Stock brokers make decisions in seconds. With some time to analyze all the data, they are driven by their “instincts”, and their intuitive intelligence is only the automatic response from their own experiences.
  • Doctors, psychiatrists and other professionals often use their intuition, because it allows them to recognize something subtle based on their stores of knowledge.

Let’s look at how you can develop your intuitive intelligence a little more.


Learn to trust your inner voice

There is no doubt that this has happened to you. You want to go to a person and when you do you are not sure if you can trust them or not. You may make mistakes sometimes, but usually you are absolutely right. Do you have any kind of gift?

  • Absolutely. You have had hundreds, thousands of experiences all your life that have allowed you to learn and draw conclusions, even without being aware of them.
  • Your brain stores and classifies images, experiences, smells and other information so deeply that it gradually shapes what we know as intuition. But really, this is part of who you are – your identity, which is able to provide quick answers to very specific questions.

At this point, you may be wondering if it is wise or not to trust your intuition. The answer is yes.

  • Intuitive intelligence allows you to come to conclusions that are in harmony with your own identity, that define who you are. Everyone who ignores their intuition ignores themselves.

Here is an example: Your family thinks you should accept a particular job. It may give you a more secure financial future, but your gut feeling tells you that you will not be happy.

The rational part of you, on the other hand, argues that more money means a better life.

In this case, what should you do?

  • Listen carefully to your intuition. It is directly linked to your feelings, your experiences and your identity.
  • Once you have listened to your intuition, try to focus on the situation in a more rational way: Why should I choose a job that I know I will not be happy in? Your intuitive intelligence has already given you the answer.

Think “zen”

Let’s summon Daniel Goleman again. According to him, the leaders of large companies (such as Google or Facebook) recommend that their employees “think zen”. It is based on the following:

  • When you need to find the right answer to something, listen to yourself.
  • Thinking zen means that you must first reach a state of deep calm, where you put aside things that push you, make you stressed, your worries and what limits your thoughts. Only then can you reach your intuition.
  • When you come into contact with this deep and personal essence, with your inner voice, you must allow yourself to reconnect with the outside world, but only with the aspects that are necessary for you to be able to make an innovative, original and creative decision. .

As you can see, intuitive intelligence can be quite useful in your daily life, because it allows you to find more balanced solutions according to your needs and your personality.

The rational and logical approach sometimes sets aside the aspects that are crucial to your emotional and personal growth. That’s why it never hurts to use both: both intuition and logic.

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