5 Natural Ways To Treat Heartburn

While looking for the cause of reflux disease so that you can treat it directly, these natural remedies will help you quickly relieve the pain, without having to resort to chemical products.
5 natural ways to treat heartburn

Are you bothered and wondering how to treat heartburn? Your stomach contains natural acids that are responsible for breaking down the food you eat, as part of the digestive process.

Another function of stomach acid is to prevent infection from toxic or bad food.

But too much of the acid can cause a burning sensation. It moves from the stomach to the esophagus, and can even get as far up as in your mouth.

Before we talk about ways to deal with heartburn, you should know what the main causes are:

  • A poor or unvarnished diet
  • Excessive consumption of spicy foods
  • Stress
  • Excessive alcohol consumption

Some ways to deal with heartburn are:

1. Ta antacida

The main task of antacids is to neutralize the stomach acids,  to give you short-term relief.

Although sold without a prescription, they can cause mild side effects that tend to go away quickly. The most common side effects are:

  • Headache
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea

We should point out that some people should not take antacids, including people who:

  • Has kidney problems and consumes antacids with calcium carbonate or aluminum hydroxide.
  • Women who go through menopause, since they reduce the ability to absorb calcium from food or supplements, which increases the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Elderly people,  or people with an autoimmune disease.

If you get a very common heartburn, but antacids give you unpleasant side effects, or you are in one of the groups mentioned above, you can try one of the following natural options to relieve heartburn.

2. Basil to treat heartburn


Basil is an herb that is often used to season foods and sauces.

Some of the key benefits are:

  • Fighting heartburn and flatulence accumulated in the digestive tract and stomach.
  • Improve digestion, help with acid reflux and related problems.
  • The essential oils of basil, linalool and terpineol, regulate stomach acids .
  • Thanks to its antibacterial power, it eliminates any harmful bacteria in the tissue that are damaged by the acid.
  • Basil can prevent stomach cramps and keep reflux away.

You can use basil by consuming it in tea form, or just chew the leaves when you have heartburn.

Aloe vera to treat heartburn

Drinking aloe vera juice will help relieve heartburn, because it soothes the lower sphincter of the esophagus, and helps with digestion.

This is important because then your stomach needs less acid to perform digestion.

At the same time, aloe vera juice gives the esophagus a protective layer. This minimizes the damage caused by acid that rises at reflux.

Due to its anti-inflammatory abilities, it gives your digestive system a break. In addition , it prevents it from producing too much acid.

The ideal way to consume it is in juice form, or just take a tablespoon (15 g) of it. If you do not like the taste, you can mix it with honey or other fruit, to make it more tolerable.

4. Baking soda to treat heartburn


Baking soda has an alkaline pH that helps control the body’s pH, and acts as a natural antacid.

This remedy can be used to help with heartburn and relieve indigestion. However, it should not be used by people who have:

  • Gastritis
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart problems


  • 1 tsp baking soda (5 g)
  • 1 cup water (200 ml)


  • Put the teaspoon of baking soda in the cup of water. Mix well and drink.
  • You can take it every day if you get heartburn on a daily basis. If not, drink it only when the problem arises.

5. Elm bark to  treat heartburn

The inner bark of the elm tree has several medicinal abilities, which can help against heartburn and reflux.

The bark provides a natural coating for mucous membranes that are inflamed and irritated,  as well as the stomach and esophagus. The coating minimizes the damage that acids can cause.

Elm bark is dried and then powdered, and can be obtained in capsule form or directly added to water to make tea.

The recommended dose is half a tablespoon (4 g) in two cups of water (500 ml). You can drink it during the day.

Although ingesting elm bark does not cause any serious side effects,  it is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

About heartburn


Heartburn can be serious if it occurs frequently. With the recommendations we have given you above, you can find relief from the burning sensation and even minimize the negative effects on your mucous membranes.

But it is important  to find out what triggers the heartburn, to fight the problem at the root.  Otherwise, none of these methods will have any lasting effect.

It is best to go to the doctor to identify the real cause, and then treat it.

In the meantime, the methods above are great for fighting the problem immediately, so you can move on with your life.

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