Is Your Child Ready To Start Potty Training?

Parents often wonder when is the right time to get their baby used to diapers. However, age is not a determining factor. It all depends on whether the child is mature enough for potty training.
Is your child ready to start potty training?

Beginning with potty training is one of the processes that marks a major milestone in the baby’s independence. How your baby will react when you start weaning them from diapers, however, will depend on whether you do it at the right time or not.

Usually, even though you may not believe it, children learn to control their intestines and bladder faster than expected. Some can take a little longer, while others can do it within a few weeks, even days.

As we always say, it is important to always remember that every child is different. They achieve this milestone when they are mature enough to do so.

Here’s how to find out if your baby is ready to start potty training

Some children begin to hide when they need to pee or poop. Others hold the urine for over three hours. These are the indicators that your baby is ready to be weaned by diapers.

On the other hand, there are children who just want to do away with themselves in diapers. If so, they are not ready to get used to diapers. You can not force your child to do that. The right thing to do is to wait for the right time.

You can see if your baby is ready for it or not after two or three months. The first step is to prepare your child. Start by telling them what will happen at some point, and show them stories with drawings or pictures you can use to explain what to do and what you expect from them.

What is the best age to start potty training?

How your child reacts when you start potty training

If you are trying to wean your baby from using diapers when they are one and a half to two years old, it is very likely that it is more difficult to do than when they get older. However, it does not hurt to try, since many children at that age do not like to wear diapers, because it bothers them and gives them a rash.

This is in theory the perfect time to start weaning them from diapers. You can try not to touch them diapers, to see what happens. Being patient and cheering on them is the key in this process.

The ideal age to start potty training is between 2 and 3, when the child is able to describe their bowel movements and tell adults that they need to pee or poop.

What if they react negatively to the potty training?

Many parents wonder why their children do not want to start potty training. Children are not aware that they are wearing a diaper. Potty training is a big challenge.

Modern disposable diapers are difficult to absorb. Thus, the child does not feel any discomfort when urinating or pooping. When we want to wean them from diapers, they are often scared because they do not yet understand what is happening.

Other children get scared when they sit on the toilet, so it is important to use a separate toilet seat in the beginning, so that the child does not feel discomfort and refuses to sit there. It is also a good idea to use a stair chair so that the child’s feet do not hang in the air.

How to get your baby used to diapers and start potty training?

How your child reacts when you start potty training

First and foremost, children who are ready to start potty training should be able to follow instructions. You have to start slowly. First, try asking them to pull the underwear or diaper up and down. Then you have to ask them to do more difficult things, such as take off the diaper and sit down on the toilet.

Another way to capture their interest in the process is to involve them in potty training equipment decisions. All you have to do is explore and try different things, until you find what is most comfortable for them.

Once you have chosen the right equipment, let your child choose their favorite color and a design that catches their attention. They will love the fact that they have done it themselves.

Are you ready for an accident?

It is perfectly normal for your baby to have some mishaps in the process of weaning from using a diaper. They may have accidents such as not reaching the toilet on time, or doing something in their trousers.

How to address these accidents is very important. Remember that they do not learn to control the intestines and bladder overnight.

Avoid yelling at them in the event of an accident. Have a positive attitude. Your reaction to these accidents is very important, because your child expects you to support them.

Some parents decide to wean their children from diapers both during the day and at night. You may want to put a nappy on them when they go to bed, so that you do not have to change their bed as often, and to ensure that it is an easier transition for them. However, if you choose not to let them sleep with diapers at night, we suggest that you place absorbent bed mats on the bed, and remove them in the event of an accident.

Are there differences between boys and girls?

How your child reacts when you start potty training

Yes. Until they are 3 years old, the development in both boys and girls is quite similar. But when the children reach 4 years, several differences become noticeable.

On the one hand , testosterone levels in children double when they are 3 years old. On the other hand, social influence influences and controls children in different ways.

These differences can also affect potty training. Girls develop faster than boys during the first years of life, which means that they reach development milestones faster. But from a psychological point of view , boys are more often willing to face new challenges, and tend to respond better to the new challenge of stopping using diapers.

What are the differences?

It is no wonder that many girls potty train faster than boys. They often develop the language faster, which means that they can tell adults when they have to go to the bathroom.

One point in favor of the boys in this process, is that it is easier for them to go to the bathroom, also in terms of hygiene. For girls, it is more difficult to go to the bathroom in public places. This causes many parents to decide to wait to wean their daughters from diapers until a little later.

Girls learn potty training faster. Their cognitive development allows them to learn the different steps to start using the toilet more easily. Boys have greater difficulty with this than girls.


During the potty training process, the most important thing is patience. Potty training is a big step, so it is important to show the child love and understanding. Remember that they are just children and that they are learning. And you as a parent also learn to educate your children better.

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