Healthy Foods Your Body Will Thank You For

It is important to include certain food groups in your diet even though they may not be to your liking, as they are necessary for your body to function properly.
Healthy foods your body will thank you for

There are foods we love because of the taste and foods we simply have to eat because they are very beneficial to our health. In fact, all the food we eat is very important for our health. According to the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology , women’s eating habits are crucial. You should therefore know the healthy foods that your body will thank you for.

For example, very thin women, with a body mass index of less than 19.8 or overweight women with a BMI of over 26, as well as people with a poor diet, can develop diseases much more easily.

Furthermore , this can also affect your physical appearance, your immune system, life expectancy, growth, cognitive abilities and fertility.

It is therefore important to have a balanced diet that includes all the nutrients you need. We’ll tell you what these are today.

Your body will thank you: Foods for pretty skin

Woman smiling

If you want your skin to look good, you should eat parsley, peppers and chocolate.

  • In this sense, to keep the skin young and beautiful, it is important to eat antioxidant-rich foods high in vitamins A, C and E. This is because these vitamins help to regenerate the skin and protect it from ultraviolet rays.
  • Furthermore, these products contain alpha-lipoic acids. These help to stop the pigmentation of the skin.
  • With coenzyme Q10 you will be able to prevent premature aging as well as cancer.
  • Zinc will help your body fight inflammation.

Foods to take care of your bust

If you want to take care of your bust, you should eat foods such as broccoli, mushrooms and green tea. These will help prevent as well as treat breast cancer.

Broccoli can be your best friend thanks to the content of indole-3-carbinol. This substance has a very powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect.

Green leafy vegetables, cheese and orange juice


Green leafy vegetables, cheese and orange juice are excellent for the bones and teeth due to the high content of calcium and vitamin D.

These products improve the absorption of calcium and can improve vision problems.

Foods to balance hormones

There are a number of foods that help balance your hormones, such as salmon, nuts and vegetable oils.

Researchers at Harvard University have confirmed that they are beneficial for the reproductive system.

In order to have a good hormonal balance, women must consume a certain amount of foods rich in:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Vitamin E
  • Iodine
  • Kolin
  • Vitamin C

The foods we mentioned offer the right dose of these nutrients.

Foods that help you control your weight

Person gaining weight - healthy foods your body will thank you for

There are also some foods that can help you keep your weight under control, such as meat, eggs, beans and the like.

Children need a lot of protein when they grow up and go through puberty. These ingredients are perfect for weight control.

  • For women, the normal intake should be around 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight.
  • If you live a very active life, you should increase your intake to 1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight.

Your body will thank you: Necessary foods for the nervous system

Among the foods that are necessary for the nervous system to function properly, we find avocados, beets and carrots.

  • We must take at least 400 mg of folic acid (vitamin B9). This way you can maintain an emotional balance and strengthen your immune system.

Remember that the nervous system is one of the most important parts of the body.

We have to take extra good care of it since the neurons will weaken over time, causing changes in certain bodily functions.

This is why we begin to experience certain pain, stress, depression, tension, anxiety and the like.

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