15 Remedies That Can Cure Skin Fungus

The success behind these home media lies in using them regularly, combined with very good hygiene.
15 remedies that can cure skin fungus

Skin fungus is a common condition and is an unpleasant infection that causes a burning sensation and itching. However, there are many ways to cure skin fungus.

This condition can be caused by various types of fungi, including dermatophyte and yeast infections.

These infections colonize dead keratin, a protein found in the skin, nails and hair.

It can appear in different areas of the body, appears in a variety of forms and is generally very uncomfortable. If they come with viruses or bacteria, they can cause infections.

In this article, we will show you 15 home media to fight it.

Causes of skin fungus

Skin fungus

The most common causes are:

  • Weak immune system. The presence of skin fungus indicates that your immune system is weak  because the body is unable to fight it.
  • Infection. A common example is the shower in gyms or in swimming pools. The fungus is on the damp floor, and from there it penetrates between the toes.
  • Poor hygiene and excess moisture. These conditions increase the likelihood of colonization of different types of fungi. After washing, it is important to dry the skin well, between the toes and in all cracks on the body.
  • In addition, some people sweat more than others. This creates an ideal environment for these microorganisms to spread.
  • Sebum secretion, when it increases for some reason.
  • Poor diet and low vitamin intake. By not eating enough, the immune system will be weakened. This makes it difficult to clean out toxins.
  • Stress. It is well known that stress weakens our immune system and, as we have mentioned, makes it easier for fungi to reproduce.

How do you know you have skin fungus?

The following symptoms can be seen with the naked eye:

  • Stains on the skin, which can be of different colors and sizes.
  • Reddish colored circles.
  • Itching or burning sensation
  • Bad smell.
  • Degradation of the skin.

15 remedies to cure fungal infections

1. Diet


Avoid red meat, white flour, sugar and cow’s milk, as all of these reduce intestinal transit.

Eat fruit instead, especially citrus fruits. The juice helps to boost our immune system and cleanses the body.

2. Natural yogurt

By eating yogurt, you fight fungus. This is thanks to the lactobacillus bacteria it contains, which are  beneficial for fighting fungi. 

3. Lemon juice

Used topically , the citric acid content works on skin fungi.

It should be used in the evening, because in contact with the sun can lead to discoloration of the skin.

4. Cranberry juice


Cranberry juice has antifungal properties that help eradicate fungi from the inside.

5. Te

Often, tea will cure skin fungus, thanks to the  antibiotic  and bactericidal properties of tannins. It removes burning and itching.

For best results, apply it on the area two or three times a day.

Cranberry juice has antifungal properties that help remove the fungus from the inside.

6. Olive leaves

The olive leaves can help you in two different ways. In addition to strengthening the immune system, they also have properties that help eliminate fungi.

To get the most out of their benefits, you can:

  • Drink cups of olive leaves.
  • Apply it topically.

7. Sea salt

Sea salt

To take advantage of the benefits of sea salt, you need to mix it with water.

  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons sea salt (30 g)
What are you going to do?
  • Add the salt to the glass with water, mix it well and use it locally several times a day.

8. Garlic to remove skin fungus


Garlic is without a doubt the best natural remedy for curing skin fungus. This is thanks to its good antifungal properties. You can eat it or use it locally:

  • Internal : It helps eliminate toxins from the body. It is best to eat garlic on an empty stomach and then chew parsley to counteract the odor.
  • Externally : Mash a clove of garlic and place it on a sterile gauze bandage. Apply it on the area for a few minutes. Do not rinse.

9. Oregano oil

  • Internally:  Two or three drops in a glass of water.
  • Externally:  Mix equal parts oregano oil and olive oil and apply.

10. Coconut oil


It contains fatty acids which are very good fungicides.

  • To take advantage of the benefits, apply it on the affected areas two or three times a day.

11. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar

Acetic acid regulates the skin’s natural pH value. This prevents the fungus from spreading.

It should be applied diluted in water.

  • 2 tablespoons water (30 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar (15 ml)
What are you going to do?

Mix the two ingredients and apply it on the affected area using a cotton swab.

12. Tetre oil

Tea tree oil is an exceptional fungicide that also prevents fungi from propagating in other areas of the body.

It can cure skin fungus if applied topically to the affected area.

 13. Turmeric


This is a very good natural antifungal agent. It can also be used in two ways:

  • Internally : Apply to the affected area and leave on for a few hours. Then rinse it off.
  • Internally : As an infusion of milk and honey.

14. Colloidal silver

Colloidal silver is a powerful natural antibiotic that can help us dry out the fungus.

  • Use it locally. Do not rinse.

15. Aloe vera

Aloe vera

Aloe vera has countless properties, including being antifungal.

  • Cut the leaf and apply the gel on the inside of the affected area several times a day.

The success of these home media lies in using them regularly along with very good hygiene.

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