Can Stretch Marks Be Removed?

Stretch marks often appear on muscles: buttocks, arms (usually around the armpit), on the abdomen and on the breasts. Remember that stretch marks do no harm and do not require medical attention.
Can stretch marks be removed?

When the skin is very stretched, this can result in spots, lines, or streaks, usually pink or purple. These are called stretch marks. When stretch marks appear for the first time, they begin as very intensely colored spots or lines, but over time become weaker in color. The texture and characteristics, on the other hand, remain the same, and do not become weaker. But can stretch marks be removed?

Stretch marks often appear on muscles: buttocks, arms (usually around the armpit), on the abdomen and on the breasts. Remember that stretch marks do no harm and do not require medical attention. But if you are ashamed of these marks, is it possible to remove stretch marks? Keep reading to find out!


Before attempting to remove stretch marks, the first step is to determine what is causing them:

  • Pregnancy
  • Rapid weight gain or weight loss
  • Prolonged use of corticosteroids
  • Rapid growth, especially in adolescence
  • Increase in muscle mass, especially in arms and legs
  • Hereditary diseases, such as Marfan’s syndrome or Ehlers-Danlos’ syndrome
  • Prolonged use of steroids

Treatment of stretch marks

Let’s take a look at different ways you can remove stretch marks. Relatively new stretch marks can be treated with a cream called tretinoin, which helps rebuild collagen and can help keep skin healthy. Note that this cream can only be used for the first six weeks after the stretch marks have started to develop. If you are pregnant, do not use this option as the effects tretinoin may have on the fetus are still unknown.

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There are also various creams, such as coconut butter, shea butter and vitamin E that can be used from home. The creams will retain moisture in the skin and can also even out the skin tone. Some claim that they get the best results when using these creams, while others see little or no difference. Other common topical treatments include castor oil, olive oil, fruit acids, seaweed wrap and other medicinal plants.

You can reduce stretch marks with creams and using other factors, and plastic surgery can to some extent make them disappear. But unfortunately there is nothing that will make them disappear completely. 

Laser therapy to remove stretch marks

Laser therapy stimulates the growth of collagen and elastin, and can help reduce the visibility of stretch marks while they are still relatively new. These high-intensity, light-pulsating treatments do not affect the outermost layers of the skin, but instead cause intentional and controlled damage to the chromatophores (pigments) located in the dermis (the vascular connective tissue of the skin located under the epidermis).

These are the options for older stretch marks. Microdermabrasion gently revitalizes the skin by adding small crystals and creating an extra layer of skin. This affects only the outer layer of the skin, and promotes the growth of new skin surfaces.

Excimer lasers promote the development of melanin in stretch marks helping to balance the color of the skin. One type of treatment that works for both old and new stretch marks is a chemical peel with glycolic acid. The doctor will first clean the area to be treated, and then use a chemical solution that will deliberately damage the skin, and promote the growth of new skin.


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