9 Natural Ways To Treat Bruises

Did you know that arnica cream is a great, natural way to treat bruises? In addition to reducing inflammation and pain due to its analgesic ability, arnica cream will help bruises heal faster.

Bruises can be ugly, and more importantly, they hurt. If you are one of those people who gets them from even the smallest thing, read on to learn about some natural ways to treat bruises.

Bruising occurs when small blood vessels rupture. Some symptoms they may have are pain, inflammation and discoloration of the skin. The area may become discolored and become sensitive to touch immediately, and then become bluish. Later it may turn yellow-green until it finally returns to normal color.

Natural ways to treat bruises

Bruising on the thigh

They usually occur as a result of a blow, fall or a sports injury.

Depending on how severe they are, they can only cover the area under the skin, or reach the muscle or even the bone. The latter type is the most painful and takes the longest time to heal.

But as we said, there are natural ways to treat bruises. Let’s take a look at them!

1. Is

One of the fastest and cheapest natural solutions for treating bruises is ice. This is the first thing you should do after an injury, as it helps reduce inflammation by pulling the blood vessels together.

This reduces pain and helps prevent bruising. The ice should be wrapped in a towel  before using it  to prevent damage to your skin.

2. Aloe vera

Aloe vera is one of the best and most versatile options for your skin. Thanks to its aloin, the bitter latex found in the outer part of the plant and the gel, aloe vera is an anti-inflammatory and regenerating solution.

Apply a little frozen aloe vera on the bruise or put some of the gel on the damaged area. Massage gently until absorbed and repeat at least three times a day for best results.

3. Arnica

Arnica (sunflower) is one of the most effective ways to treat bruises, as it reduces inflammation and helps with pain, making this plant the perfect natural painkiller.

The most beneficial way to use it is to spread a thin layer of arnica ointment on the area several times a day.

4. Parsley

Parsley is also a useful remedy for helping with bruises. It is analgesic and anti-inflammatory, which helps speed up the healing process.

Crush fresh parsley and apply the product on the area for five minutes. Repeat four times a day for best results.

5. Garlic

Garlic has wonderful antioxidant properties. To take advantage of them, apply some fresh garlic juice on the bruise, and get the tissue to regenerate faster. In addition, it helps to stimulate circulation, which will help reduce pain, especially if consumed raw.

6. Onions


Onions are rich in alliinase, which encourages proper blood flow. In this way , blood does not accumulate and form bruises. Therefore, it is a good idea to apply a slice of freshly cut onion to the damaged area as soon as possible. If the bruise has already appeared, the onion will help it disappear faster.

7. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is another wonderful alternative to stimulate circulation in the damaged area. Apply a piece of gauze or a cloth dampened with apple cider vinegar to the damage and massage gently for a few minutes. For best results, repeat the process three times a day.

8. Potatoes

Thanks to catalase, potatoes help cells stay healthy. Divide a potato in half and use the cut side of the bruise to reduce pain and inflammation. Let it work for at least five minutes and repeat three or four times a day.

9. Salt

Salt is able to absorb intracellular fluids when applied topically. This will reduce inflammation and pain. All you have to do is put a layer of salt on the bruise and let it work for a few minutes. You see the difference in a short time.

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