9 Health Problems Your Hands Reveal

Observing the condition and appearance of our hands can give us some hints about our general health and enable us to get an early diagnosis of various conditions.
9 health problems your hands reveal

Your hands say a lot more about you than you might think, and of course they tell us about various possible health problems we may be suffering from. So be aware of these signs that can tell us about up to nine health problems that we may suffer from without realizing it.

1. Pain in thumb and forefinger

If you experience pain in both your thumb and forefinger, as well as numbness and tingling, you may suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome. When we experience this problem, a swelling occurs in the wrist that puts pressure on the nerve, and this leads to a number of rather unpleasant experiences. This is a problem that tends to appear in people who have very mechanical work with their hands. For example, it is common among those who work on computers or musicians.

2. Wounds that take a long time to heal

Doctor checks woman's hands

If you have wounds that take a long time to heal, this can also be a sign of a health problem. When you get bruises or cuts on your hands, they may not heal completely. So, you may have diabetes.

If these problems also come with hunger and thirst, as well as numbness and tingling in the hands and feet, you should visit your doctor as soon as possible. Because this is a clear sign of sugar in the blood.

3. Changes in the color of the fingers

If you notice that your fingers change color, this can happen for several reasons. If you have been exposed to low temperatures, stress or heavy physical exertion for a long time, there may be nothing wrong.

However, if these changes are accompanied by itching, pain, tingling or numbness in the fingers, you should have it checked out and consult a specialist. This can be a symptom of a disease of the spine, problems in the blood vessels or a skin disorder.

4. Excessive sweating

Wet hands

If you notice that your hands are sweating for unusual reasons, this may be a symptom of palmaris hyperhidrosis. Although your hands do not usually sweat for common reasons, if you find that this sweating is excessive and does not depend on external factors, it may be another type of problem.

5. Weak nails

If you find that your nails break easily, this may be because you are in constant contact with water, detergents and other chemical products, and you are making a number of mistakes when it comes to nail care. It is important to be careful because all of this can be what makes your nails weak, but it can also be a symptom of a thyroid problem.

  • Note if this condition is accompanied by weakness, fatigue and joint pain. If it is, consult your doctor.

6. Your hands are always cold

Cold hands

If you are one of those who always have cold hands, and if you also see that your skin changes, you should go to the doctor. These symptoms are associated with circulatory problems or problems with the nervous system.

7. Trembling fingers

Trembling fingers can be a rather uncomfortable feeling. This may be due to excessive stress or heavy load, and in these cases it will disappear when you rest. If you notice that this tremor does not go away and that your hands tremble for no apparent reason, this may be due to a lack of vitamins B1, B6, B12 and E.

8. Swelling


If you see swelling in your hands, this can be due to several reasons, ranging from a hot day to eating too much salt. In this case, this type of swelling will disappear quickly. However, if it happens to you regularly, you should see your doctor because prolonged swelling can be a sign of vascular disease.

9. Color change in the nails

If you notice that your nails change color, this may be because you have a low level of hemoglobin or an anemia problem. Both cases are characterized by having blue nails. This is usually accompanied by a certain clumsiness with the hands, as well as unpleasant feelings and slight tingling in the fingers.

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