7 Tips For Keeping The House Clean

If you dedicate ten minutes every day to cleaning, you will have a more organized house. Then you do not have to put in extra effort to do general cleaning at the end of the week.
7 tips to keep your house clean

Do you find it difficult to keep the house clean? You’re out all day long. So, when you come home after work, the living room and kitchen are a disaster area.

Things are thrown here and there, there are dirty clothes outside the laundry basket, you will find dirty plates from yesterday… but you do not have enough time or energy to do anything about it. Worst of all, the problem gets worse every day.

In this article, we give you some tricks to keep your house clean.

A clean house: an impossible mission?

If you have children or spend a lot of time in the office, it is normal that your home is not very clean. You come home, put down your bag, take off your jacket, and put your keys somewhere. Your children did not pick up their toys, and the dishes spend hours in the sink.

Of course, no one likes to live like that. But we do not always have time to be responsible for organizing and cleaning our homes. But did you know that having an organized house only requires an initial effort and then a small commitment?

Try these simple tricks to keep your house clean and organized:

1. Do not allow the root to spread

Messy home

As they say, “chaos attracts more chaos “. This means that if there are things thrown on the floor and elsewhere in the room, this will “infect” other rooms in an almost magical way. Your head works in a strange way. Instead of shopping and organizing things, it says “there is already clutter over there… Why not here too?” But if one room has everything put in the right place instead, your mind will repeat it in other rooms.

2. Use it and put it away

If you touch it, take care of it. For example, when shopping, take all the products out of the bags and put them where they belong. Fold the bags and store them in a container dedicated to them.

  • When you have finished eating, pick things up from the table and put them directly in the dishwasher or wash them immediately.
  • If you have tried on a skirt that you do not want to wear, put it back in the closet.
  • When you run out of toilet paper in the bathroom, replace it. Do this with everything.

3. Do not collect things

Messy home

This trick can help you in any area of ​​life. If you do not use it, do not keep it. The fewer things you have at home, the easier it will be to keep everything organized. Minimalism or zen is perfect for these cases. Laying a tablecloth on an empty table is not the same as a piece of furniture filled with decorations, picture frames, decorative objects, etc. If your room is not crowded with things, you will complete the cleaning in a few minutes.

Set aside time to clean

If your cleaning day is Saturday or Sunday (like most people), you do not want to spend an entire morning or afternoon scrubbing and cleaning. A good way to prevent this is to define the time you need for each room. For example, 15 minutes in the bathroom, 20 minutes in the kitchen, 15 minutes in the living room, etc. You can even set an alarm. You will be more efficient and you will even enjoy a little workout thanks to this wash.

5. Organize what you use first for a very clean house

Clean living room

Which rooms are “more visible”? Where do you spend most of your time?

Maybe it’s the living room or the kitchen. It can be the bedroom or the dining room. Start with them. Remember that if these rooms are organized, you will have more energy to clean other rooms.

6. Have fun in the process

Who says cleaning and organizing your house has to be tedious and tedious? You can make it really fun with little things. This can mean buying colored gloves or buying vintage containers. You can even try homemade cleaning products. It is a world of options. Then listen to your favorite music while you clean! You can make a list of songs to sing and dance to.

7. Come up with a cleaning and organization plan

Couple washing cups

This is as simple as defining which tasks to do each day of the week. If you do a little every day, you do not have to spend hours scrubbing and cleaning on the weekend. For example, clean the kitchen on Monday, vacuum on Tuesday, take care of the bathroom on Wednesday, clean the bedroom on Thursday, wash clothes on Friday, iron on Saturday and wash your floors on Sunday.

Include weekly and monthly assignments as well. For example: Organize the garage, clean the refrigerator or wash the windows.

More advice for keeping the house clean

The following list of tips can be a great help to your daily life. To keep your house clean and organized, do the following tricks:

  • Pick up everything when you arrive (jacket, keys, bag)
  • Re bed every day
  • Pick up your clothes before going to bed
  • Make a cleaning and organization plan with your family
  • Take out the trash every day
  • Clean for 10 minutes every day.
Keeping the house clean: The bedroom


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