6 Simple Tricks To Maintain A Youthful Neck

If you want a firm, wrinkle-free neck, you need to combine different techniques, such as massage with exfoliating and moisturizing ingredients, for best results.
6 simple tricks to maintain a youthful neck

People often forget the neck and chest when it comes to skin care. But the truth is, they deserve attention just like your face. After all, you probably want to maintain a youthful neck for years to come. And the preventive measures you should start with now.

Age is most clearly seen in these areas, along with your hands, because they are most affected by genetic factors and the years that pass. The skin on the neck requires extra care, so read on. We give you six tips for a beautiful and youthful neck. And these tips are easy to make every day.

Rely on Vitamin E to maintain a youthful throat

Vitamin E is good for the skin

If there is one vitamin with the ability to maintain a beautiful and youthful neck, the vitamin E. It is perfect for skin care, as it fights the signs of aging. It protects you from free radicals and gives the skin more elasticity.

So do not wait; Add more foods with vitamin E to your diet to maintain a youthful throat. To supplement this vitamin, you can also get creams with it.

2. Apply ice

This remedy can be used up to three times a week. It consists of applying ice to your skin.

You just need to put three ice cubes in a cloth and rub it gently over your neck for 10 minutes.

  • With something as simple as ice, you will make your blood flow, reduce inflammation and give your skin a firmer and healthier appearance. You will have a youthful neck for years to come.

Perform a daily massage

Woman massaging her neck

Massaging yourself daily can also help. Just like exercising the rest of your body, you should do the same for your neck.

  • The best way to start is to apply a moisturizer on your neck before going to bed.
  • When you apply it, make upward massaging movements, from the collarbone all the way up to your jaw.
  • Always go uphill: this will help improve your circulation.

4. Apply honey

Honey is one of the most moisturizing foods available.

  • Therefore, you should try to smear some honey on the area.
  • Just leave it on for 20 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water.

In this way, you will take advantage of its moisturizing abilities and combat lethargy  that appears as part of the aging process.

5. Do not forget to exfoliate

Woman exfoliates the skin

You exfoliate your face; what about your neck? Applying an exfoliator will remove dead skin cells and help maintain a youthful neck. It will also make your blood flow, remove contaminants and improve the oxygenation  of the skin in this area.

Try this homemade peel:


  • The juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 tomato
  • 5 tablespoons oats (50 g)

What am I doing?

  • First of all, squeeze the juice from the lemon and mix the tomato in a blender to form a puree.
  • Add oats to a bowl along with lemon juice and tomato puree.
  • Mix the ingredients together until it forms a kind of cream.
  • Then apply the peel to the neck and let it work for 15 minutes.
  • Then rinse with plenty of cold water.

6. Apply a mask

No beauty routine should forget a good mask. And a mask is not just for your face. In fact, a mask can help maintain a youthful neck as well. This homemade mask is great. It will tone your neck and make it look beautiful. All you have to do is use it once a week.


  • Ripe banana
  • Egg whites
  • 1 teaspoon honey (7.5 g)


  • It is very easy to make this mask and it will only take a few minutes.
  • First you need to make a kind of puree with banana, egg whites and honey.
  • Apply it on your clean neck and let it work for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse the mask with plenty of water after this time. You will see results after the first use.

As you can see, there are some simple ways to reduce the aging of your skin and give it back some firmness.

Just choose some of these tips!

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