6 Incredible Brain Exercises

Although we have never thought about it before, monotony negatively affects our ability to concentrate. One of the best brain exercises is to include new activities in our routine.
6 incredible brain exercises

The mind worsens and stops working as we get older due to the stress we go through, as well as the worries we experience. If these factors affect your life, if you graduate, if you suffer from anxiety or if you start to age, we suggest that you do the following incredible brain exercises. Before we describe them in detail, we’ll tell you about how the brain works. As you may already know, there are two halves of the brain : the right half of the brain and the left. Each of them has a different function.

For example, the left hemisphere is responsible for the specialized language areas and logical analysis. On the other hand, the right side covers non-verbal areas of the brain and creativity. In this connection  , the best brain exercises will be those that integrate both sides of the brain.

1. Brain exercises: brain exercise

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This brain gym improves creativity, concentration, psychomotor activity and makes it easier to learn things. In this exercise, sociologist Paul Dennison suggests a series of exercises in 26 simple body movements that connect the two halves.

He recommends warming up with thoracic breathing, as well as drinking some water before the activity. In addition, you should ideally perform the prescribed exercises every day, and repeat each of them 10 times for 30 seconds.

2. Do cross crawl

Gradually lift your right knee and touch it with your left elbow, then return to a standing position. After this, repeat the exercise, but with the left knee and right elbow.

This simple routine optimizes the balance of nerve activities, resulting in an improvement in psychomotor activity and concentration, which is necessary especially when using your creativity.

3. Remember phone numbers

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Unlike previous exercises, this requires only one brain activity. Open your contact list, select the numbers you use the most, and then try to memorize them all.

Include this exercise in your daily life and see how your brain begins to easily memorize other things.

Memorization is a necessary part of our brain activity that enables us to develop important qualities such as creativity, since we can only imagine things based on what we already know. In this article  , we list 5 techniques that can improve your memory.

4. Listen to music

Something as eloquent as music can become your best friend during stressful times and while you study. Here it is worth mentioning the work of Tomatis, who showed that Mozart’s work helped in therapy to combat depression.

This is how the “Mozart effect” came about. The Mozart effect is a set of psychological and musical research results that show that the rhythms and melodies found in the work of this composer promote brain oxygenation. Therefore, these aspects of Mozart’s music also improve concentration, by converting them into a fantastic exercise for the brain.

5. Escape routine


By doing the same thing every day, the brain relaxes. Therefore , our attention is reduced, and with it our ability to concentrate. With this in mind, one of the best activities to train your brain is to take a different path home and to become more receptive to new methods of socialization.

Meeting new people connects the two halves, which is quite interesting. This is because on the one hand, we use intuition and curiosity in meeting new people, and at the same time, we use our logic as well as our verbal skills.

6. Do not put everything in one place

In the same direction as what we said before about routine, by always putting everything in the same place, we will recognize that this will lead to an automatic, and that we will therefore have a lower attention span.

Thus, moving one of your things will make you think of the new location, memorize it and remember it. This is a great exercise for the brain, and the only things needed to complete it are yourself and a household object.

In short, the tips mentioned above are some brain exercises that can be used in addition to the traditional exercises. These amazing brain tasks are easy and quick to learn. All you have to do is add them to your daily routine.

So what are you waiting for?! Try brain exercises too!

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