5 Tricks To Make Your Face More Beautiful At Home

Rosemary improves blood circulation and tones the skin and makes it firmer, giving it vitality. We can use this treatment in the morning and evening.
5 tricks to make your face more beautiful at home

A youthful, glowing look; thick, long and rich eyelashes; voluminous lips; large, bright eyes; and hydrated, radiant skin… In this article we will explain which homemade, simple and natural remedies will help you achieve this. You just need a little patience and perseverance. Try them and get a more beautiful face in no time!

Youthful skin

To give your skin tone a rejuvenated, rosy and glowing, more beautiful look, you can count on an excellent medicinal herb that has been used in many beauty remedies for decades: rosemary.

This plant improves blood circulation and thus tones it and tightens the skin and gives it vitality.

And how do we apply it?

  • We can buy the essential oil of rosemary from a health food store (make sure it is not an artificial aromatic essence, but really an oil extracted from the plant). Dilute 15 drops in 50 ml of water. Shake it before use and apply it on the face as a spray or with a damp cotton ball.
  • Another option is to collect fresh rosemary and put it in apple cider vinegar for at least 15 days so that it pulls completely. Afterwards, strain the mixture, add the same amount of water and it is ready to use.
  • Finally, the third option is to prepare a concentrated infusion of fresh or dried rosemary. You can use this infusion for up to a week, if you have it in the fridge.

Use this rosemary water twice a day, once in the morning and again before going to bed. You should apply it before using any other cream and after so that the skin absorbs it completely.

Rosemary net effect

Thick and long eyelashes

Thick, long eyelashes change the look of our eyes completely. They look more feminine and attractive, and also highlight our eyes even without eye makeup.

The beauty remedy that our grandmothers used to use to strengthen their eyelashes is based on castor oil, also called castor oil, a thick and nourishing oil that we should apply to our lashes every night before bedtime.

The most convenient way to apply it is to use an old mascara brush or other small brushes for eyelashes. To avoid getting it into your eyes, which irritates them, do not use too much.

Voluminous lips

Many women undergo lip surgery to achieve more beautiful lips and give their lips more volume, and many are not aware that there are any beauty tricks to help give their lips a bigger and juicier look.

In addition to always hydrating the lips, we will explain how you can massage them to give them volume and color in a matter of minutes.

How do we do that?

  • Apply some vegetable oil on the lips.
  • Cover the entire mouth with one hand and move it horizontally to the outside, massaging not only the lips but also the surrounding area, which often has tension and is where wrinkles usually appear.
  • Then do the same with the other hand, so that you massage in the other direction.
  • Repeat this 10 times with each hand.

Big eyes

Tension in the face and vision problems, among other things, can make our eyes look squinty and cause wrinkles to appear. To avoid this, in addition to having our eyesight checked to make sure we are wearing the right glasses or contact lenses, we can perform some exercises for the eyes to make all the muscles around them relax.

First, rub your hands together to warm them and then place them over your closed eyes, allowing them to rest in your hands for a few minutes. You will notice how the eyes relax and even the skin around, and this is where the first facial wrinkles usually appear.

In addition, we can also squeeze and then let the eyes relax several times a day, to avoid accumulating more tension in this area.

Eye neurotic camel

Hydrated, more beautiful skin

Finally, we must not forget to always keep our skin hydrated. The best way is to use vegetable oils that are suitable for our skin:

  • Rosehip oil or olive oil for dry skin.
  • Jojoba oil for combination skin.
  • Coconut oil mixed with aloe vera for oily skin.

We can also make it a habit to take peels from fruits and vegetables and to pull them over the skin of our face while we cook. We especially recommend using apples, cucumber, squash or avocado.

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