5 Great Face Masks For Radiant Skin

Face masks are a fast, effective and natural way to achieve a healthy and radiant skin in just a few minutes.
5 great face masks for radiant skin

What does your face look like when you look at yourself in the mirror? If you were going to a party in a few minutes, would you have felt comfortable with your appearance? The truth is that very few people had answered “yes” to this question. Therefore, we want to share some recipes for beautiful face masks so that you can have radiant skin at all times.

There are facial treatments that with regular use can nourish the face, moisturize or remove impurities. But sometimes you want your skin to look radiant without long-term treatment.

If you recognize yourself in this situation then we suggest you try out these face masks:

1. Chamomile and papaya mask

Papaya face masks

Chamomile helps detoxify the skin, while papaya exfoliates and moisturizes. 


  • 0.5 dl hot water
  • A handful of chamomile flowers
  • A slice of papaya


  • Heat the water and take it off the plate before it starts to boil.
  • Put the chamomile flowers in a bowl and pour the hot water over.
  • Let the mixture cool for 10 minutes.
  • Put the chamomile mixture in a blender together with the papaya.
  • Mix it well so that it becomes an even mass.


  • Use a broom to apply the mixture on the face.
  • Cover your face with a damp cloth or towel.
  • Let it work for 10 minutes.

2. Most oatmeal

Oats are very healthy for health and very useful. It is recommended to use oatmeal not only on the face but also on the body and in the hair.

Two of the ingredients in this mask are honey and ice cubes. Honey gives an incredible shine, while ice cubes make wrinkles and pores less visible. Oats also exfoliate the skin.


  • 1 DL water
  • 3 teaspoons oatmeal
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 isbit


  • Mix water, oats and honey together in a blender or food processor.


  • Use a broom to apply the mixture evenly on the face.
  • Let it work for 10 minutes.  
  • Remove the mixture with warm water.
  • Apply an ice cube over the face to close the pores.

3. Tomato mask

Tomatoes in face masks

Do not have chamomile or oats? Then you probably have tomatoes in the kitchen.

Then you are lucky. Because in addition to being versatile and nutritious, tomatoes are great for getting an even skin tone and it removes bacteria.


  • 1 tomato


  • Crush the tomato with a fork or run it in a blender.


  1. Apply the mashed tomato on the face.
  2. Let it work for 5 minutes. 
  3. Rinse with clean water.

This is one of the best recipes for great face masks to get radiant skin in just a few minutes. Plus it gives the skin an instant refreshing feeling. If you use this mask regularly, you will notice that dark spots will gradually disappear.

4. Yogurt mask

This is a wonderful recipe that you can use with other facials, or you can use it alone.

This mask is ideal for dehydrated, dry or discolored skin.


  • 100 grams of yogurt natural.


  • The yoghurt should be cold from the refrigerator before use.
  • Whisk the cold yogurt in a bowl for one minute until it has a creamy consistency.


  1. Apply to face and neck while yogurt is still cold. 
  2. Let it work for 5 minutes.
  3. Rinse with fresh water.

The temperature is important to achieve the best result with this mask. The colder the yoghurt, the better the skin. 

5. Banana mask

Face masks with mashed banana

Bananas are one of the best natural moisturizing ingredients. They are a gift from nature and work immediately.

To get the most out of the bananas you have at home, it is always best to make this recipe with ripe bananas.


  • 1 peeled banana
  • 2 teaspoons yogurt
  • 1 teaspoon honey


  • Mash the banana until you get a smooth mixture.
  • Add yogurt and honey in a bowl and mix well. You can also use a blender.


  1. Clean your face.
  2. Apply the mask.
  3. Let it work for 5 minutes.
  4. Rinse with clean water.

Other tips for applying great looking face masks

In order for these masks to give the expected result, it is important that you think about the following:

  1. Clean your face before applying the mask. Even if some of the masks are exfoliating, they will work faster if you have washed and cleansed your face first.
  2. Make the masks when you need them and try to avoid standing for more than two hours. If they last longer than this, then some of the ingredients may lose their properties and become less effective.

It is best to use fresh products and ingredients that are in good condition. Papaya or banana may well be ripe (but not overripe).

Now that you’ve got the recipe for several great face masks, just try it out. Good luck!

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