3 Sentences To Start Loving Yourself Again In Just 3 Minutes

Learn to love yourself. After all, it is the best way to look after your own well-being, and those who love you will understand.
3 sentences to start loving yourself again in just 3 minutes

Sometimes we leave our confidence in the hands of others. We forget what we are worth and what we deserve. It is true that this psychological phenomenon finds its roots in childhood and previous experiences that make up our personality. But you must understand that when we talk about loving yourself, you should be aware of it daily. It should never be neglected.

Self-love  is not about becoming a narcissistic or a selfish person. Not at all. It is about being skilled, wise and intuitive, knowing what your boundaries are, your rights, and also the rights of others.

Imagine that your self-love is a delicate crystal. The more you polish it, the more beautiful it becomes and the more it will inspire you. However, there are two things you need to be careful about with this precious jewel: Do not leave it with anyone else and do not let anyone ruin it.

Today we inspire you with 3 sentences to start loving yourself again in just 3 minutes.

To love yourself

1. “Allowing myself what I deserve is not selfish; it is to protect my self-love ”

drawn woman

It may sound like a cliché to say “You must love yourself, because otherwise no one will respect you.”  But when you finally take the plunge and start taking care of yourself a little more, something happens: people may start telling you that you have changed or that you have become a little more self-absorbed.

First of all, you should understand that there are many steps between selfishness and selfishness that a mature and balanced person will not take. Appreciating yourself is often something that is neglected, but socially it is something people frown on.

Telling someone,  “No, I do not want to hang out with you because I need to be alone this afternoon, I need to take a walk and think about things,”  may seem strange to some people, even rude and even disrespectful. But allowing yourself what you deserve and need at that time is never selfish.

In fact, anyone who sees it that way is not a good friend. Your best friends and immediate family members are the ones who are able to empathize  with you by understanding and respecting your decision.

“I must set boundaries to protect my dignity, my identity and the invaluable essence of me.”


Anyone who goes through life without a protective barrier between them and what can harm them will let life and destiny give them anything, whether it is good or bad.

So… What will happen if you are more picky or if you decide to be wiser and just accept the good?

To do so would not be selfish either. It is actually an excellent step towards good mental and emotional health and towards a sense of well-being that will also affect your physical balance directly.

Do not hesitate to set up barriers and fences against people who come to you with abuse and manipulation. Improving your quality of life can be very easy if you start setting boundaries.

“My self-love has no price and will not be discounted.”


To love yourself is more than just self-protection and to know where the line is between what is mine and what is yours.

Self-love is your dignity, the inviolable and unique essence that makes up who you are and how you see yourself. It is the strength within you to face difficult things, achieve your dreams, and create a reality that suits you as you are.

None of this is easy. You must understand that self-love also means continuous growth. Sometimes it is weakened, sickened or beaten down. Other times you may forget to feed it, because this aspect requires new knowledge, new friendships, perspectives and experiences.

Understand then that your self-love has no price. It is invaluable. Do not offer it to anyone; it is yours. Offer others what you offer yourself: respect, love, wise coexistence, and harmony.



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