10 Reasons To Give More Hugs Every Day

The love one gets through hugs is crucial to the neuronal development during the first years of our lives.
10 reasons to give more hugs every day

Try to give more hugs every day, several times a day.  They have therapeutic benefits that will increase your sense of well-being.

Hugs are defined as stretching one’s arms around another person in an embrace as a sign of affection or sympathy.

But in recent years, this action has received a lot of attention, because it has been found that hugs provide great benefits for both your physical and mental health. And while we may take them for granted, hugs are a powerful weapon to combat stress and to overcome negative emotions.

A good hug lasts for 20 seconds or more, and should happen between two people who love or trust each other enough.

do you want to know more? Keep reading to learn 10 reasons to make giving more hugs a daily habit.

Benefits of providing multiple clamps

1. Improve your mood

good mood

A hug from someone you love can turn the day around and remove negative energies.

Clamps stimulate the secretion of oxytocin, also known as the love hormone, and also endorphins, substances that are responsible for the feeling of well-being.

By giving a hug, we will share positive emotions that help recharge us with positive energy.

2. Relieves pain

This simple act of love is one of the most effective ways to relieve physical and mental pain. The ability to squeeze has to increase the levels of oxytocin forcing the body to focus on the current moment, so that the pain is hidden in the background.

3. Increase security


The warm feeling of a hug increases our sense of security and drives away the feeling of loneliness. Hugs have the ability to open emotions, improve relationships and prevent behavioral problems.

4. Increase self-confidence

This is one of the most important benefits you can get from giving or receiving more than four hugs a day.  This practice significantly reduces fear and anxiety,  which reduces the dependence on the notion of making others feel good.

This is due to positive energy and feel-good hormones that are released every time you give or receive a hug.

These scientific facts explain a very common phenomenon: children who hug their favorite pet tend to calm down and feel safer than if they were alone.

5. Prevent heart attack


A daily dose of hugs has the ability to protect the heart by helping to control its rhythm and blood flow.

Giving more hugs increases the levels of oxygen in the blood to make the heart continue to function normally.

People who do not give or receive hugs as often, or if they do not experience any form of physical contact, have a higher risk that they will suffer from heart-related diseases associated with a higher heart rate.

6. Improve the nervous system

The calming effect of squeezing not only benefits our cardiovascular health, but also the nervous system.

Giving or receiving a hug a couple of times a day makes the nerves relax, while preventing stress, anxiety and other negative emotions that complicate our lives.

7. Strengthen the immune system

immune system

When oxytocin is released in sufficient quantities, it lowers the risk of developing infections and immune diseases.

This is due to the fact that it increases the presence of antibodies to help the body fight viruses and bacteria more effectively.

8. Neuronal development

The love one gets through hugs is crucial to the neuronal development during the first years of our lives.

Failure to do this form of devotion causes nerves to die, which later reduces our mental and motor ability.

According to a study at Duke University, babies who did not get enough hugs had a brain that was up to 20% smaller.

9. Strengthen ties

Body language is a key factor in happy relationships. Couples who hug each other share a stronger bond that makes them feel safer and more loved.

10. Check blood pressure

blood pressure

The physical contact with another person when you give or receive a hug lowers blood pressure by activating receptors called blood cells. These are found in the skin and they send signals through the nerves.

This makes the body feel more protected, the pulse stabilizes and the blood pressure returns to normal.

Are you going to give and receive your daily dose of hugs? They do not have to cost you anything, and they are great for making life more comfortable.

Do not wait to start giving more hugs to the people in your life who make you happy.

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